How To Boost Your Credit Score Faster Before Applying For A Home Loan
More so, as a home loan is a big-ticket and a long-term commitment, lenders would like to have only the most prudent or trustworthy borrowers availing home loans. As you must be aware, creditworthiness of an individual is measured through a credit score. The credit score is assigned on the basis of your past credit behavior and is calculated on a scale of 300-900.
Buying a home is often a one-time investment and hence, an individual takes a lot of time and effort to search for a home that meets all their criteria and also their pocket. Our Credit Health Improvement experts advise that the moment you start searching for a house is the exact moment when you should start checking your credit score too. As a credit score needs time for improvement.
As your Credit Coach, CreditMantri likes to share with you some important tips that can be used by anyone who is looking to boost their credit score faster before applying for a home loan.
Here are few tips to boost your Your Credit Score Faster Before Applying For A Home Loan
#Tip 1: Check your Credit Score and Get Your Credit Report
#Tip 2: Get any errors in the Credit Report resolved at the Earliest
#Tip 3: Pay off Unsecured Debt
# Tip 4: Do Not Slip Up On Any Repayment Schedule During The Interim
#Tip 5: Refrain From Applying For Any New Credit Accounts
#Tip 6: Do Not Stand As A Guarantor For Other's Loan Accounts
#Tip 7: Try to Get your Credit Limit Increased
# Tip 8: Do not Close Old Credit Accounts
To know in detail about the tips to boost your Your Credit Score Faster Before Applying For A Home Loan