BBA Finance and Accounting
BBA Finance and Accounting
Top BBA Finance and Accounting Colleges in Bangalore, India - CMS are one of the best BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) Colleges for ?BBA Finance and Accounting.

BBA Finance and Accounting Colleges in India

Bachelor of BusinessAdministration

Finance &Accounting (F&A) integrated with ACCA- UK

There is a growing importance of the finance and accountingdepartment in the corporate world to manage revenue, expenses, and taxes. Themain objective of BBA - F&A is to prepare students for entry level profilesin finance. It also develops certain necessary skills in the areas ofinvestment, insurance, financial planning, taxation, etc. BBA - F&A opensvarious career options in diversified fields and organizations. As the coursecurriculum is novel and deals with accounting and financial aspects, studentschoosing BBA - F&A is on the rise considering the huge demand for suchgraduates. There is a bigger scope for higher education with institutes inIndia/abroad as BBA - F&A provides the right, diversified, and challengingplatform.

Program Code

006 C


3 Years, 6 Semesters


80% in the 12th standard final examinations/PUC from arecognized board

Program EducationalObjectives (PEOs)

To develop an understanding of the concepts of accounting,finance, insurance, and auditing that helps in ethical financial decisionmaking

To make students aware of the functions and roles offinancial markets and institutions

To develop analytical and evaluating skills relating tocorporate finance, taxation, portfolio investments, financial planning, and accounting

To help students demonstrate the use of technology in theareas of accounting, finance, and insurance

To demonstrate skills in preparing, presenting, andanalyzing financial statements and auditing books of accounts

To analyze and evaluate financial management issues from anorganizational point of view, make investment decisions, and understand thecapital structure and working capital management

Program Outcomes (POs) / Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of theprogram:

Students will possess comprehensive knowledge of finance andaccounts besides capital markets

Technical competency shall be possessed by the students interms of knowing the source of information, simplifying the same, and using itin day to day operations

Students will be in a position to analyze the financialstatements

Students will possess adequate knowledge and skills in thefield and use them in the decision-making process

Students will be in a position to translate their knowledgeinto consulting in challenging areas like mergers, takeovers, liquidation,issue of securities, and the like

Students will be able to develop innovative solutions toaddress the financial problems of the business

Career Opportunities

BBA - F&A opens the gate of opportunities for the graduatesin different sectors varying from the education industry to the banking world.

Employment areas include banks, investment banking, mortgageand credit corporations, share and capital markets, finance companies,commercial banking, the health care sector, mutual funds, policy planning,merchant banking, foreign trade, insurance, and similar organizations.

The graduates can hold positions such as accountants, budgetmanagers, finance managers, financial analysts, corporate business analysts,and merchant bankers.

Potential employers

KPMG, EY, DELLOITE, PWC, Goldman Sachs, Banks, Mutual Fundcompanies, Government organizations, etc.

Tie-ups with industry

The placement department shall help the students in securinginternships with corporate houses so that the students will be able tounderstand the practical aspects and also appreciate the same. Students shallbe encouraged to pursue certificate programs relevant to finance and accountinglike courses offered by NCFM - National Stock Exchange Certification onFinancial Markets, NISM - National Institute on Securities and Markets, CFI - CorporateFinance Institute, Canada, etc.

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