
Here I will share some of the questions and the answers that the Italian option trader and crypto enthusiastic gave in the interview as I believe they are applicable to those who are trying to become successful entrepreneurs.
Antonio, where did the idea for your career come from?
For several years I have managed my own portfolio of investments in several fields. On the real estate side, I have several teams managing my and my client’s properties and projects. However, on the financial markets and blockchain side, I usually didn’t work with an internal team of analysts; however, at a certain point, I decided to put a team of several analysts together from different backgrounds to help me out with the research and analysis of the companies I cover. I have a community of friends and followers with which I have been sharing and discussing ideas over on my blog, different telegram groups, and Twitter. Hence, we decided to make some of our research available to the public via the project that we called Moat Investing because we focus on finding companies with strong competitive advantages at reasonable prices.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self that some people sound much smarter than they really are, so if you really did your due diligence and studied, you should not be afraid of taking a contrary position and waiting for your theory to come to reality. Try to concentrate less on the timing and more on the due diligence’s depth. If you feel secure, stick to your idea regardless of who you go against.
Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.
I think anybody at any age should keep studying very hard academically and by their own means/research. There is the misconception that rich people who also probably already have a degree and can hire talented people should not study more and concentrate on the business. I think that studying different things, including through formal academic education, gives you an edge. I can’t entirely agree with the belief that to be an expert, and you need overspecialization. Studying alternative subjects to your main career focus can really help you to become more complete and knowledgeable about your own field. Keep studying even if you are very successful, and don’t forget to expose yourself to other subjects and fields that differ from your principal discipline.
As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?
Clear and simple: to study.
What is the one trend that excites Antonio Velardo for 2022?
The most exciting trend out there now is the metaverse. I believe it is going to change the world we are going to live in the next ten years. And inside the metaverse, I am an evangelist of the Meta-Fi, or Metaverse Finance, which is the term for protocols, products, and services enabling the complex financial interplay between non-fungible and fungible tokens (and their derivatives).
Click here and here the full interview
About Antonio Velardo
Antonio Velardo is an experienced Italian Venture Capitalist and options trader. He is an early Bitcoin and Ethereum adopter and evangelist who has grown his passion and knowledge after pursuing the Blockchain Strategy Programme at Oxford University and a Master’s degree in Digital Currency at Nicosia University.
Antonio manages an 8-figure portfolio of his investment company with a team of analysts; he is a sort of FinTweet mentor, people interact with him online, and he has more than 40,000 followers after his tweets. He has built a fortune in the great tech years and put together a tail strategy during the pandemic that allowed him to take advantage of the market drop. “I did not time the market, and I did not think this was even a black sworn,” he says.