9 Reasons You Need Car Insurance In South Africa
9 Reasons You Need Car Insurance In South Africa
In today's difficult economy, buying car insurance may seem like another burdensome purchase you could do without. Car insurance is not a luxury, but a necessity if you own a car. Accidents can happen anywhere, so be ready for them.

9 Reasons You Need Car Insurance In South Africa

In today's difficult economy, buying car insurance may seem like another burdensome purchase you could do without. Car insurance is not a luxury, but a necessity if you own a car. Accidents can happen anywhere, so be ready for them.

This blog post outlines 9 reasons why car insurance should be a'must have' and not a "nice-to-have".

1. Insurance is required by financers.

Many car financers require that you have comprehensive car insurance in order to obtain a vehicle loan. Generally, you will need to keep the policy in force until your vehicle is paid off.

2. Repairing a car is expensive!

You may not be financially able to repair your car if you cause damage to it in an accident. Parts, panel-beating etc. These can be extremely expensive.

3. Other vehicles are covered for any damage

You could be held responsible for thousands of Rands if you cause an accident with another vehicle while driving uninsured. Your car insurance will cover the cost of repairs for other people's cars if you cause an accident. This helps you avoid costly lawsuits.

4. Replace a stolen car

You can feel the fear of returning to your car if it isn't there. You can be paid for a stolen car and use the money to buy a new car with the right insurance.

5. Protect yourself from wild weather

Although you can't stop hail, fire damage and other natural acts from causing vehicle damage, having car insurance can help pay for repairs.

6. Assistance on the road

Comprehensive car insurance usually includes additional benefits like roadside assistance, which helps you in the case of a flat tire, flat battery, or breakdown.

7. It can affect your future premiums

You could be considered a higher-risk person if you are uninsured and then choose to purchase car insurance. This basically means that your car insurance premium will be higher.

8. There are many options

There are many affordable options available, even if you don't have the budget for comprehensive car insurance. You could choose to have third party, fire, and theft coverage or just third party. It is better to have some coverage than none.

9. Peace of Mind

You don't have to worry about your insurance when you go on the road. Protect your valuable purchase and prevent financial problems if an accident occurs.

Why not take a look at PMD car insurance?