Think Tank and Radio Thoughts on Domestic Technologies for Americans
Think Tank and Radio Thoughts on Domestic Technologies for Americans
Think Tank and Radio Thoughts on Domestic Technologies for Americans

Welcome to this 21st day of October, 12-years into the 21st century. I wish thank all my online readers and radio listeners for their continued support. For today's talk I will discuss many items having to do with our technology for domestic purposes; entertainment, safety, education, and personal communication. It all matters and it is changing the way we live, how we think, and our path forward into the future. Indeed, these are all interrelated topics which shouldn't be necessarily viewed as separate issues in my humble opinion.


Okay so, before we being let me remind you of the format here; I talk and you listen, then it will be your turn to "like" or shout out pro or con with your own opinion - provided that your arguments are not pandering, preaching to the choir or mere talking points of some particular political persuasion - no need to repeat what's been said elsewhere - for this is the place of original thinking and drilling down into the subject matter which affects us all whether we care to realize it or not. Fair enough? Let's begin.


Is The Internet Changing the Way We Use and Buy Dictionaries?Not long ago, I went to the thrift stores nearby to seek out used books. A friend of mine asked me if I could look for a dictionary, something he could use to flip-through perhaps 160,000 plus words, so not a small one, but definitely not a large unabridged version either. Without thinking, I said, "sure, I'll see what they have," and then departed for my used book shopping spree for the month. Generally, I find a dozen or so books to read, mostly nonfiction, but I do like everyone have a few fiction series I like to read by my favorite authors.


Due to all the new e-books and e-readers, one thing I've noticed is that it's difficult to find the hardbound books at the used bookstores, or thrift stores before six months after they've been published. Previously it was quite easy to do this, but since fewer people are buying hardbound books, and are buying e-books instead, they are not being bought in the numbers they were before. It is quite evident that some of the big box retailers have been challenged by this, that is to say new book sales, but it is also affecting the used book market because people that have e-books aren't allowed to resell them later. Therefore, it is affecting the hand-me-down market.


Now then, while I was looking for a used dictionary for my friend I found hundreds of them, I couldn't believe how many there were available. But then again consider this, more and more people are merely typing a word into a search engine which auto corrects spelling, and then lists online dictionaries. Since most people are online all the time, and those who are writing or doing reports for school have the Internet running in the background along with the Google search engine, they merely "google it" and so they no longer need a dictionary at their desk. This is why everyone has donated them to the used bookstores and/or thrift shops.


Do you remember when you were in school and you had a writing assignment, and if you asked your teacher what a word was, she told you to "look it up" because that's what dictionaries are for. IT Solutions Company in Dubai Today, kids are using tablet computers in the classroom for learning, so when they look something up they also look it up online, and therefore this habit will probably follow them well into adulthood. In any case let's talk about some of the technology in the classroom and how that will also affect the way we learn, think, and solve problems for ourselves in later life.