
What are some of the factors that you consider when deciding the color of your kitchen? Can you consider installing red kitchen cabinets? This is a bold move that a few homeowners have managed to implement.
However, unlike what many people think, red is a good color option that can make your kitchen look great.
Why do people fear red cabinetry?
Red isn’t a popular color in the kitchen because of the following reasons:
Red is a bold color and many homeowners are afraid of such options
It requires floor large space
It needs precise lighting for it to be beautiful in the kitchen
From an interior design perspective, red is an amazing color option that can spice up your kitchen look. Installing red kitchen cabinets can be very rewarding if you do it right. We’ll share some tips that you can use when thinking of red in your kitchen.
How to use red in the kitchen?
Limit the use of red
When you have decided to use red in the kitchen, you shouldn’t overuse it. It is a bold color that requires keenness. For example, if you are using it for your kitchen island, you shouldn’t have it painted on the cabinets.
The first thing is to decide the kitchen element that needs the red touch. Most probably, you are going to have it either on the kitchen island or the cabinets. Just pick one and stick to it.
Pick the right shade
Red has various shades that you can use in your kitchen. You should assess the needs of your kitchen and pick the right shades for your red kitchen cabinets. If you are unsure, you can check out some ideas online to get you started. You can also speak to an interior designer to help you decide on the best shade of red for your kitchen.
Combine red with other colors
Red can work well with other colors like white. Don’t be afraid to combine these colors in your kitchen to give it a better look. However, you must be very precise with the color that you are choosing to work with red.
From experience, most interior designers will always advise that you pick white or any shade of white to complement red kitchen cabinets.
Final say:
It is clear that you don’t have to worry about red in your kitchen. It is a color like any other that you can work around and make the best out of it.