
One way of categorizing people is within a generation gap. So do you know where you fall? Here is a breakdown of the four generations:
Baby boomers are the oldest lot of people aged 57 to 75 years. Then the next generation is Generation X, people in the age range 41 to 56. Generation Y, also Millenials, closely follows with people within the age gap of 25 to 40. And lastly, we have Generation Z, which has young ones between the ages of 6 to 24.
Now you know where you fall, right! This piece will focus on Generation Z and their latest demand for better media quality.
The young generation Z has been born into a world where the internet was already a thing. And so, it is safe to say they rely on the internet for a lot of things; education, entertainment, and personal growth.
The conference then concluded that this generation demanded better media quality. But that’s not all; they also desire new tech standards relaying credible, educative, and entertaining content.
Here are some of the reasons they have such high demands.
A Gen Z member lives in an era where the internet has been commercialized. And so they seek brands that are authentic and real. Around 82% of them attest that they trust a brand that utilizes more imagery in their adverts.
Seeing something in use in its genuine skin is convincing and compelling. So much so, this prompts better quality posts of any item being advertised via the internet.
If any brand wants to sell to a person in this generation gap, they must go beyond words and show them because seeing is believing.