
What is love?
I thought it was just sex until I met you.And now, when I need a friend, I have you to talk to.To laugh with.To cry with.I'm thankful that I found you.There are people that would not think that.In fact, you're like the link
going to be the outcast, the bad seed.But I want you to know, that is not who you are.You are a good person.I know I said I was going to stop being friends with you over the phone, but, I lied.Because, I realized that you and I just fit.And even though I know you're going to tell me to stop talking to you, because you want to be friends with me too, I'm not going to.Because I love you and I don't want to leave you alone.So, bye, we'll talk later.My heart was heavy and I didn't want to be around people.My friends were saying the nicest things to me.They told me I was great and beautiful, and that they were proud of me for going to therapy.