
It is well known that the data around us is piling up at an alarming rate. As a result, there is always a need to study and analyze raw data generated from various sources. A data professional or data scientist studies and analyzes large amounts of data to extract information. The data is used by a variety of industries and processes all over the world. Essentially, data is studied to convert it into useful information, generating more data. This means we're all trapped in a data circle! Did you ever consider it?
Data Science Vs. Data Analytics
Data science is a multidisciplinary field that includes data engineering, machine learning, data analysis, data mining, and data visualization. This means that data science refers to the process of collecting, cleaning, analyzing, and transforming large amounts of data.
As previously stated, data analytics is only one component of data science. As a result, it is a specialized field involving collecting and analyzing data based on complexity levels. It focuses more on analyzing raw data to derive insights using various algorithms and techniques.
In India, you can pursue a career in data science.
Is data science a good career in India, you ask?
Currently, data science and artificial intelligence are making inroads into industries such as travel, healthcare, education, the stock market, and e-commerce.
In India, if you have previous experience as a data scientist, you can advance to other positions, such as
Data architect/engineer
Data Architecture
Business Intelligence Analyst
Database administrator
ML Engineer
AI engineer
Leading data scientist recruiters
Companies, where you can work as a data scientist, include:
JP Morgan Chase
Who can work as a data scientist?
IT students and professionals - These students have a bachelor's or master's degree in a related field and have studied computer science (STEM) or an IT course. Similarly, IT professionals who want to advance their careers take data science courses to help them grow professionally.
Non-IT students and professionals - These students come from a variety of backgrounds. They are interested in working in fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and data analysis. Such individuals can enroll in a data science certification course in Mumbai to transition careers for personal and professional reasons. This training course involves special assistance for non-technical people coming from all backgrounds.
What qualifications do you need to be a data scientist?
Every person who wants to be a data scientist must have a few characteristics. These are as follows:
Attitude toward statistics and logic
Technical knowledge
To be recognized as a data scientist, you must have technical expertise in the following areas:
Deep understanding
Frameworks for big data
EDA stands for exploratory data analysis.
Data exploration, data processing, data transformation, and data loading knowledge
Python and other programming languages are required.
Patience and curiosity
Curiosity and creativity
Communication abilities
5 Steps to Become a Data Scientist
To be a data scientist, you must be good at math and statistics. Exploratory data analysis, machine learning, statistical analysis, and regression analysis are some of the topics you should study if you want to excel in data science.
Choose a specialization in other areas of data science, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis, database management, and so on. It may be useful if you want to learn more about a specific field and increase your earning potential.
Understand the trends - As a data scientist, you must be familiar with basic programming languages such as Python and R. Other areas to focus on if you want to be good at your job include data visualization, munging, and data reporting. A strong interest in big data is also beneficial if you want to stay current in the field.
Begin working - The best way to gain hands-on experience in data science projects is to begin working for a company specializing in analytics, machine learning, or artificial intelligence. Internships are a great way to start your career if you need more time to find full-time work.
Work on a Project – As you master the basics of coding, you must begin by building projects that answer fascinating questions and exhibit your data science abilities.
The aim is to discover relevant datasets, ask questions about them, and then respond with code. There are many data science projects you can find online like fraud detection, web scraping etc.
Is there a future for data science?
The answer is unequivocal yes. Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have enormous potential to disrupt society and transform the world around us. Some of the areas where data science and artificial intelligence will have an impact in the near future are as follows:
Healthcare - Data-driven research in the healthcare sector can make life easier for middle- and lower-income people. Healthcare can be made more accessible and affordable to a large portion of the Indian population living below and on the outskirts of poverty with the help of data science and artificial intelligence.
Agriculture - Agriculture is one of the most important industries in India. It ensures food security for India's 1.3 billion people. AI and data science can help solve many agricultural problems, such as unpredictable weather patterns, crop health monitoring, and crop disease prevention.
Transportation and logistics - AI and data science can be used to predict traffic congestion and avoid traffic fatalities. Other possible areas of investigation include community-based parking, intelligent transportation systems, and travel and route optimization methods.
Environment - Artificial intelligence and data science are being used to analyze the air quality around us. Websites such as India Air Quality can provide information about the quality of the air you breathe every day.
Education - Several existing problems in the education sector can be solved using data science and artificial intelligence-based tools and methods. For example, the concept of online learning has significantly altered the educational landscape.
Clearly, Data Science has a huge scope in India and around the world. This field is the most in demand in terms of career prospects. So, hurry up and begin your data science career with India’s best data science course in Mumbai, to become certified data professional in MNCs.