
Number of students want to immigrate to foreign countries to pursue higher education. Therefore, IELTS (International English Learning Test System) is for the people who want to immigrate to countries like Australia, Canada, Uk and the USA. The native language of these countries is english. More than 379 million people speak English worldwide and English is the third most spoken language in the world. In order to stay in an English speaking country you need to have a high level of English speaking, reading, writing and listening capability. If you are living in punjab and want to immigrate to english speaking countries then you will have to take IELTS classes in punjab.
The IELTS exam is held numerous times every year. There is no pass or fail criteria in this exam. The IELTS exam mainly consists of speaking, writing, listening and reading assessment.
Best IELTS Coaching for Preparation
Many students search for the best coaching classes for IELTS. Classes help in a great way. They provide notes, assistance and even judge the progress. The main benefit of coaching is that the teachers are always ready to clear the doubts and focus on the communication skills. Teachers provide assistance in LSRW (Learning, Speaking, Reading, Writing) skills Therefore, IELTS classes help the students a lot.
Looking for IELTS coaching in punjab? Here is the list of best IELTS coaching in Punjab. Just scroll down to know about the best classes available for your IELTS preparation. Below is the list of top 5 IELTS coaching in Punjab.
Rank 1. Nestabroad
Nestabroad is an immigration service situated in Punjab. They provide IELTS classes and help the students in IELTS preparation. Not only that, they also provide complete assistance to the students for immigration in the English speaking countries. Canada , Australia and the UK are not far for the students if they join Nestabroad. From preparation to immigration, Nestabroad has covered each and every step for you. The teachers focus on all the students and help them to their full potential. Nestabroad helps you board your dreams and launch your career in full fashion. They assist you in the whole process of migration for your dream destination. Many students have opted for nestabroad and cracked the examination. Now they are studying and making their career in their dream destination. Undoubtedly they will help in boosting your career.
Rank 2. Plutus Academy
Plutus academy is one of the top IELTS classes in Punjab. The institute offers preparation for other competitive tests alongside IELTS. The academy has been teaching IELTS for the past 20 years. It is the leading coaching institute in Punjab. The faculty is very understanding and understands the students' needs. They provided online classes throughout the pandemic and besides that they are still continuing the online classes for the ones who need it. In addition, faculties help the students in making strategies about their studies and how to crack IELTS. The supportive and helpful faculties provide the best subject techniques to the students.
Rank 3. The Hinduzone
The hinduzone is ranked third among the top IELTS classes in Punjab. It is one of the leading coaching institutes present in the state. The academy has been teaching IELTS for a very long time. Furthermore, they also provide classes for other competitive exams. The teaching staff of the Hinduzone academy has many years of teaching experience. The academy steers the students in the right direction and assists them in every possible manner. Moreover, If you are new to take IELTS training then this institute is appropriate for you.
Rank 4. Shepherds
Shepherd is ranked fourth in the IELTS coaching institutes available in Punjab. This institute is suitable for taking IELTS coaching for cracking the entrance exam. The academy provides a number of facilities for students in order to prepare for the exam. Every year, this academy ranks in the top 5 IELTS institutes in Punjab. The faculty has many years of experience in teaching and they help the students in every possible way. Students get great guidance from their mentors. This helps them in cracking the competitive exam. They help students in making strategies as well as provide notes so that they can study with all their will. Surely, it is one of the best institutes in Punjab.
Rank 5. IBT
Last but not the least, IBT is ranked at the fifth position in the IELTS coaching academies in Punjab. By each and every passing year, the institute is growing and getting better. The faculties here are very helpful and have many years of teaching experience. The academy was started with the vision of helping the students in clearing their IELTS exam and helping them to reach their dream destination where they wish to study. Faculty gives notes of each chapter and clears the doubts of each student. Each and every student gets equal and undivided attention. Number of students pass IELTS every year who take coaching from this institution.