
Enter the exam hall with complete SSC CGL Exam preparation, confidence, and with a practical approach. Be clear about how you are going to attempt the questions and from which section. Proper planning is the key to attempting the SSC CGL exam in the best possible way.
Time Management is the key to success in SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam. So, here are some of the Time Management Tips for SSC CGL Tier 1 that will help you get through your exam and clear it quickly.
SSC CGL notification is out, and SSC CGL Exam is scheduled to be conducted between 29h May- 7th June 2021. This is the time when you should tighten your belt, do the hard work, and crack the exam. When you are preparing for a competitive examination, it is imperative to know the top time management tips in order to score well in the exam. But before you dive into it, you must understand the exam pattern.
Top 10 Time Management Tips During the SSC CGL Exam That You Cannot Miss
SSC CGL notification is out, and SSC CGL Exam is scheduled to be conducted between 29h May- 7th June 2021. This is the time when you should tighten your belt, do the hard work, and crack the exam. When you are preparing for a competitive examination, it is imperative to know the top time management tips in order to score well in the exam. But before you dive into it, you must understand the exam pattern.
Top 10 Time Management Tips During SSC CGL Exam
These tips are a must to follow during the SSC CGL exam in order to score good marks.
Follow Your Own Approach
SSC CGL exam paper is not divided section-wise. You have 60 minutes to answer 100 questions from four different sections. You can divide this time at your own convenience. Say, if you are good at English and can solve the 25 questions in 10 minutes, the extra time can be allotted to another section where you need it the most.
Understand Your SSC CGL Syllabus
SSC CGL syllabus consists of four sections and numerous topics. Before you manage time in the exam, you must manage your daily time between these four subjects to cover every topic and solve as many questions as you can.
Accept The Fact
It is daydreaming to think that you can attempt all the questions. You need to be practical. If you are a genius and have solved many mock test papers and attempted all the questions, then you can definitely think about it. But make sure that you answer accurately.
Learn The Tricks By Heart
Quantitative Aptitude is a subject that takes up most of the time as you need to calculate. There are several tricks to solve these questions in an easier way. Learn these tricks to save time.
If You Are Not Sure, Leave The Question
Do not answer a question based on your guess. It is the worst strategy one can ever follow. If you are not sure about the answer, leave it for later. Don’t answer it.
Maintain Accuracy
It comes with practice. Apart from managing time, you must ensure that the number of questions you answer is all correct. There is the rule of negative marking in your exam: ‘Do not lose half the mark if you cannot score one.’
Answer The Questions You Are Sure
First of all, attempt all the questions you know. If a question is taking too much time, drop it. It is better to answer 10 questions instead of wasting time on 1.
Control Your Mind
In exams, there will be distractions, such as students completing their exams before time, invigilators continuously reciting instructions, reminders of time, etc. You must keep your calm and focus on answering the questions. Even a turn of head steals your 2-3 seconds which is a great loss of time.
Do Keep An Eye On Your Watch
There is a total of 60 minutes to solve the four sections. It means 15 minutes per section. If you are able to complete English Language and General Awareness sections in 20-25 minutes, it will be a great help for you to solve Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. So, keep looking at your watch for the time and do not allocate more than the required time for any subject.
Subject-Wise Time Management Tips
English Language Section
This subject does not require any calculations or tricks. If you prepare it strongly, you can finish it in 10-12 minutes and increase your overall score.
Attempt Reading Comprehension first, and try to finish the rest in as little time as possible.
General Awareness
If there is any section that can help you save time, it is general awareness.
Do not use guesswork.
Do not spare more than 15-20 seconds on a question.
Read the question carefully.
Quantitative Aptitude
Even if you are a master in QT, this section will take more time than any other subject.
Attempt it at last.
Learn the tricks.
Try to solve it as quickly as possible with the help of tricks.
General Intelligence And Reasoning
The section contains 25 questions. If you think practically, you will not be able to solve more than 15-20 questions.
Do not spare any more than 15-20 minutes on this section.
A minute for a question is sufficient. If it is taking more than a minute for any question, leave it for last.
Once again, you need to derive and learn tricks to solve these questions.
Final Words
Enter the exam hall with complete SSC CGL Exam preparation, confidence, and with a practical approach. Be clear about how you are going to attempt the questions and from which section. Proper planning is the key to attempting the SSC CGL exam in the best possible way.