
The lost art of focus: being distracted in a digital world
It's impossible to imagine life before electronic gadgets. Now, we are controlled by technologies and "turned on" our personal and professional lives, making us available all the time, crucially, easily distracted, and interrupted every second of the day.
These constant breaks of our time and focus have become the new normal, to which we have easily adjusted, but there is a drawback: an increasing number of specialists are warning us that these interruptions and distractions are eroding our ability to focus.
Kids are going through a lot of trauma in their life and they don't share with others as their interactions with people are reducing because kids nowadays are glued to electronic gadgets. I'm sure you will agree with me. Recent research suggests that 65℅ of young children are using their gadgets frequently. Nowadays kids do not sleep properly; they eat more junk foods and forget the benefits of traditional foods. This can impact your kid's health.
Through our workshops in Mentoons, we are here to create a change in your kid's life. We ensure that your kid will get motivated and focus more on their studies.
They will maintain to eat healthy by reducing the intake of junk foods. They will show interest to participate in every single opportunity in life. You can watch your kid understand the emotions of others and respond accordingly. We ensure that your kid will learn to manage time, build relationships and make more friends, respect elders, learn good habits, solve problems on their own and they will have a clear focus on life. Moreover, you will feel much more relaxed and have time for yourself as your kid is responsible.
All these can make your kid come out of the virtual world and connect with the reality of life.
Udhayashri Ramesh
Medical Psychology Graduate
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