Learn The Best Way To Write Essay With Essay Writing Experts
Learn The Best Way To Write Essay With Essay Writing Experts
Studying in Australia is not easy, whether it is about financial pressure, language barriers, or dealing with assignments. University assignments in Australia come in several forms, such as case studies, dissertations, research papers, essays, etc. Among these, the essay is one of the most common forms of assignment being given to students. Essays are generally argumentative, descriptive, narrative, expository, compare & contrast, process essays, and more.

An academic essay is defined as writing that uses analysis, facts, and interpretation to build a concept or argument.

As a student, you may be required to write a variety of essays. Essays may vary in length depending on your academic level, subject, and course requirements. On the other hand, most university essays are argumentative, attempting to persuade the reader's viewpoint on a topic.

If you are planning or already enrolled at an Australian university, you might need to know each minor and major detail of an essay. We hope that this article will be your guide when it comes to writing an academic paper.


Different Types of Essays

Essays are generally difficult to write because of their length. It is written to convince or enlighten a reader about a certain topic. It is necessary to understand what sort of essay to use to communicate your point to readers effectively. 

However, essays come in different forms, such as narrative essays, descriptive essays, expository essays, process essays, etc. The assignment help experts have discussed some common types of essays below.


Narrative Essays

A narrative essay is written to tell a story and is mostly the personal type of essay. While writing a narrative essay, you can include imagination and creativity. Such essays are generally based on a specific prompt. Writers are allowed to use literary techniques in order to create an essay, including fiction. It may include:

  • Analogies
  • Metaphors
  • Imagery
  • Alliteration
  • Dialogue

While writing a narrative essay, it is important to include an opening statement that attracts the reader's attention and gives background information.


Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays give a thorough account of the topic. It might be a person, a location, an object, or an event. Descriptive essays are quite similar to narrative essays that encourage you to be more creative in your writing. Unlike narrative essays, which must tell the entire story, descriptive essays merely need to talk about the topic.

Consider using vivid imagery and using the "show, don't tell" strategy, which uses action, ideas, sensory details, rather than just describing the scene or occurrences.


Expository Essays

This form of essay is written to describe a topic in a non-biased manner. Expository essays are written to illustrate the knowledge and skill of the writer in a specific field. Teachers frequently assign these essays to assess students' grasp of a topic. It may be in different forms, but they usually include the following: 

  • an introduction with a strong thesis statement 
  • a body discussing the facts of the subject 
  • A summary of the important points in the conclusion

Such essays avoid expressing emotion or expressing a viewpoint instead of focusing on factual facts.


Process Essays

Another explanation essay is the process essay, which discusses how to accomplish things or how something works. To preserve organisation and clarity, you should write a process essay in chronological sequence. The following components are commonly seen in process essays:

  • Introduction: Introduce the method you will be discussing in the first paragraph.
  • Body: Each stage should be described in chronological sequence in these paragraphs. You may use transition phrases in a process essay.
  • In the end, include a summary of the process.

Apart from these, there are several other forms of assignments such as argumentative essays, compare and contrast papers, persuasive essays, critical essays, cause and effect essays, and more. A student who wants to know the best way to write an academic essay can read the below details.


Write Essay In 5 Easy Steps

As students develop their writing skills and move to higher study, they are required to create longer and more sophisticated essays. These essays can be challenging, and thus the five paragraphs approach is needed. The five-paragraph approach to writing an essay typically benefits students while writing an article for the first time. Regardless of how many paragraphs your essay has, it must still serve the same purpose: to offer a compelling argument for or against a particular perspective.



The introduction is the first section of an academic essay. It generally begins with a story that tells what your paper is all about. Your thesis statement, which is a clear and concise statement, is written with a purpose that outlines your argument, followed by the conclusion of your introduction. The final line of the opening must be registered with a transitional statement that directly connects to the essay's first body paragraph.


First Body Paragraph

The first topic sentence ought to be the second portion of the essay. It should give a strong point that supports the thesis statement of an essay. The initial sentence should connect to the transition phase in the introduction. Include Particular examples that relate to the argument you are trying to make in the paragraph. The last statement of the section should be transitory and should be relevant to the next paragraph.


Second Body Paragraph

The third paragraph of your five-paragraph essay should be written so that it provides a compelling argument in support of your thesis. The first sentence should relate to the transition phase that has been discussed in the first body paragraph. Additionally, the argument you will make should clearly be stated right at the beginning of the paragraph. You may also include instances to support your thesis. In the end, the section should be concluded with a transitional sentence.


Third Body Paragraph

The fourth and last paragraph of a five-paragraph essay approach should discuss the weakest argument supporting the thesis. Even if this is your weakest point, do not imply it in the essay or find it difficult to cope by adding too many instances; instead, arrange it similarly to the previous two body paragraphs. This body paragraph can conclude the sentence and let the reader know that this is the last important point you have made.



The conclusion is the last paragraph of the five-paragraph essay. Here, you must restate the thesis statement without any repetition. Additionally, the conclusion should synthesise the three main ideas you have covered in the above body paragraphs. The last sentence of the conclusion should provide a clear indication that the essay is concluded.


Tips To Draft Your Essay

The rules of an essay are more systematic than you know and can be easy if you follow the tips given below. Let's have a quick look at the tips mentioned below.

  1. Read and comprehend the message: Make sure you understand the exact requirement of the essay. The experts providing essay writing help in Australia suggest that breaking the prompt into different sections can be a good idea to know the requirement.
  2. Make a plan: Brainstorming and structuring your thoughts on paper will make the essay easier. Jot down the ideas that it your mind along with the supporting details. It will help you in making a plan.
  3. Conduct research and cite sources. Never plagiarise, even if you use quotes and paraphrases from your sources. Therefore, reference the information accurately.
  4. Create a Draft: "The first draft of anything is always crap," stated Ernest Hemingway. However, the statement is arguable; drafts are usually an excellent place to put all your ideas.
  5. Write a good thesis: Your thesis, generally termed as the primary argument, is the most crucial thing in an essay. Thus, develop a solid case for it.
  6. Write a response to the prompt: Here, you can make changes to the first draft of the essay and make the final one.
  7. Proofread: Ensure that your essay is error-free and include everything as per the requirement. The expert providing assignment help in Australia recommends university scholars develop proofreading skills to submit an errorless and handsome assignment to the university.

Hopefully, the above tips may be found helpful for university students who were finding issues in writing their academic essays. In case if you haven't got what you were looking for, you may leave the comment below. We will take it as feedback and try to help you in the best possible way.