
Is it mandatory for students to apply for transcripts from university and ECA for Canada?
Read the title? Do these questions, also bother you that you have in your mind? Well then, the short answer is yes, if settling abroad is your final destination, and no, if you have nothing to do abroad. There can be some scenarios where transcripts and ECA can be necessary too. We will explain these in detail in further sections. Before we continue, let’s understand in brief what these documents are.
A transcript from university is simply a record of your performance in all the semesters of your completed course. You can find details like the name of all the subjects in your entire course, the total marks and the marks obtained, the grade points, and students’ details in a single transcript. Transcripts contain a lot of information indeed, isn’t it? For simple understanding, a mark sheet is a result of your particular semester while a transcript is the result of your entire course. If you have completed your engineering from VTU, your VTU transcript will show a list of all 48 subjects, the total marks, and the marks obtained.
ECA or educational credential assessments report is another important document in case a student is looking to study or work abroad. The education standards of every country are different. Universities across the globe have different syllabi, curricula, and grading points. So when a student from one country wishes to work in a different country, the qualification needs to be met as per the country the student wishes to work in. And therefore the education of the students needs to be evaluated as per that country’s standard. The qualification is evaluated by comparing the results from the home country with that of the host country. This is called ECA. If you want to work in Canada, you will need ECA for Canada. If you want to work in the USA, you will need ECA for the USA and so on. There are so many bodies that do ECA for students like WES and JS&A, etc. You can contact any of them for your ECA report.
So the question is, whether these documents are mandatory? Whether a student needs a transcript from university or ECA for Canada? So, yes. Companies require their employees coming from different countries to submit ECA reports. They will also ask for a VTU transcript or DU transcript or transcript from your respective universities for a couple of first jobs that you will be doing abroad. It is advisable that you keep these documents handy because you never know you may get a chance to work abroad like working on-site and you will not want to miss that opportunity. But if you want to work for the development of your own country, want to grow your family business, or want to start something of your own in the home country, then there is no need to hassle for getting these documents.
Also, for students seeking admission to foreign universities, it is recommended that they get their transcripts from the university at the earliest to not miss out on the admission deadline. It is a lengthy process where the students have to look after admission documents as well as immigration formalities. Managing all can be a tough job. Therefore contact transcript services, get your VTU transcript or any other university transcript, get your ECA for Canada processed and keep applying for your favourite course and universities abroad. Doing these will reduce a lot of stress during your application process. So contact now.
You should know that not every student is required to obtain their transcript from the university. Transcript certificates are specific documents mainly required for students studying abroad. Transcript certificates are to be submitted to foreign universities along with other relevant documents such as their IELTS/TOEFL scores, ECA for Canada or USA, and other such documents. Students can obtain their transcripts from their respective universities. A student from VTU must submit a VTU transcript, and someone from DU must submit a DU transcript, and therefore students must submit a transcript from the university they completed their graduation for a successful application of admission to a foreign university Is. ,
There are several ways to get your transcripts from the university. For example, a student who is studying in VTU can obtain his VTU transcript by visiting VTU University campus or by submitting physical documents. They can also apply online through the official website of the university or they can contact the transcript services and they will deliver the student's VTU transcript to their desired address. Transcript services are also able to help students with ECA for Canada or USA or Australia if needed. We have already written a detailed post on what are the benefits of each mode of application for transcripts from the university (you can find the link for the same in the recent blog section. So check it out too). We have also suggested which method should be considered by the students in different scenarios. For example, if a student is nearing their application deadline for admission to a foreign university and needs to get their VTU transcripts urgently, they should consider transcript service providers. They are professional and help you to get your transcript from the university on time without any errors.