
Economic and finance research topics, Compiled for UK university student
Choosing a unique research topic is one among the essential decisions made by researchers. Some research scholars may spend a year or even more looking for various thesis or dissertation topics before deciding on one. Regardless of academic discipline, there are a lot of effective ways for finding research topics.
Research topic using previously published literature
A literature review is a quick overview of the current quantity of knowledge on the subject/topic of interest. [5] It will provide a theoretical foundation for some techniques and act as a reference for the process of innovation. [6] It acts as a guide for the researchers in review and selection of important search terms.
Another advantage of a good literature review is that it reveals a variety of methodologies used in prior similar researches. Points to note when choosing a topic:
- Pick an interesting topic
- Be aware of ongoing research
- Define your constructs clearly
- Evaluate whether your topic is publishable
- Evaluate your topic’s importance
- Establish a timeline for completion
The dissertation topics are selected based on the research gap and future recommendations proposed by previous researchers. Tutors India topic selection is driven by your research question that is interested in exploring.
Some of the trending research areas from where you can choose your master’s Economics research topic
Topics on Covid-19 and its Effect on Financial Services
- A Review Analysis and Policy Recommendations on Microeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic
Rahman Tisha, T. (2021). Microeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review Analysis and Policy Recommendations (preprint).
2. Corporate Survival and Public Policy: The Role of Accounting Information and Regulation in the Wake of a Systemic Crisis Covid-19
Buchetti, B., Parbonetti, A., & Pugliese, A. (2021). Covid-19, Corporate Survival and Public Policy: The Role of Accounting Information and Regulation in the Wake of a Systemic Crisis. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 106919.
Crypto currency
- A Comparative Analysis on Blockchain Cryptocurrencies’ Price Movements Through Deep Learning
Uras, N., & Ortu, M. (2021, March). Investigation of Blockchain Cryptocurrencies’ Price Movements Through Deep Learning: A Comparative Analysis. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER) (pp. 715-722). IEEE.
2. The Rloe of Machine learning in Short-term bitcoin market prediction and cryptocurrency returns
Jaquart, P., Dann, D., & Weinhardt, C. (2021). Short-term bitcoin market prediction via machine learning. The Journal of Finance and Data Science, 7, 45-66.
Audit in Financial Services
- The role of automation and Robotic process automation (RPA) in the auditing industry
Wewerka, J., & Reichert, M. (2021). Robotic process automation-a systematic mapping study and classification framework. Enterprise Information Systems, 1-38.
2. The significance of auditors in financial reporting and Role of Forensic Audit in Controlling Financial Statement Fraud
Mishra, K., Azam, M. K., & Junare, S. O. (2021). Role of Forensic Audit in Controlling Financial Statement Fraud: A case study of Satyam Computers. Psychology and Education Journal, 58(2), 4016-4025.
Risk Management: Capital, Liquidity, ALM, Models
- Overview on liquidity risk management and financial crisis in the UK banking industry
Al Janabi, M. A. (2021). Liquidity risk management in the avoidance of another financial crisis. Available at SSRN 3840350.
2. The structure, scope, and assessment of risk management in European international banking functions
Adam, M., Soliman, A. M., & Mahtab, N. (2021). Measuring Enterprise Risk Management implementation: A multifaceted approach for the banking sector. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
If you find difficulty with research topic selection, you can contact tutors India, our experts help you in coming up with innovative, trendy research topics in your area of research.
Internet Banking and Digital Journey for Banks
- The security challenges associated with electronic banking transactions
Rehman, T. U. (2021). Theoretical Context of E-Banking for Digital Enterprise Transformation. In Disruptive Technology and Digital Transformation for Business and Government (pp. 91-109). IGI Global.
2. An evolving relationship between FinTech and banking industry
Carbó-Valverde, S., Cuadros-Solas, P. J., & Rodríguez-Fernández, F. (2021). FinTech and banking: An evolving relationship. In Disruptive Technology in Banking and Finance (pp. 161-194). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Ethics in Accounting
- Ethics or profit followed among the accountants in emerging firms
Nguyen, L. A., Dellaportas, S., Vesty, G. M., Jandug, L., & Tsahuridu, E. (2021). The influence of organisational culture on corporate accountants’ ethical judgement and ethical intention in Vietnam. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.
2. A case study about connection between Audit risk and Rhetoric of rationality
Mökander, J., Axente, M., Casolari, F., & Floridi, L. (2021). Conformity assessments and post-market monitoring: a guide to the role of auditing in the proposed European AI Regulation. Minds and Machines, 1-28.
- Microfinance impact on the microenterprises sector
Nor, M. M. (2021). THE IMPACT OF MICROFINANCE TOWARDS MICROENTERPRISES (MEs) PRODUCTIVITY IN MALAYSIA. International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization, 68-82.
2. Evidence from Pre and Post-Financial Crisis on Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions over Microfinance Institutions Financial Efficiency
Roslan, S., Zainal, N., & Mahyideen, J. M. (2021). Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions on Financial Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Pre and Post-Financial Crisis. The Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT), 9(1), 32-47.
Retail and Commercial Banking [1]
- How were the policies of local commercial banks in Europe changed throughout the period?
- How is consumer demand influencing SME choices and strategies in the UK?
- A case study of developing countries inventory management for mobile banking
- In the banking industry, what is the relationship between pricing, equity, and performance?
Financing in Emerging Market [2]
- A comparative study on FDI strategies between Asia and European countries?
- A case study on interlinks economic growth and population in heavily populated countries like China
- The development and the existing state of investment banking over the emerging market sectors
- What are the difficulties faced by financial institutions in a developing economy?
- The perception and attitude of investors from developed countries toward emerging market investment opportunities
Tutors India Research Topic Selection Services provides you professional assistance and guidance while choosing a research topic. The topics we provide would offer you a clear and precise understanding of the proposed research area and ensure that you move in the right direction.
The finance dissertation topic that you choose for your research work has a direct impact over your career. The topic you choose for your finance dissertation is quite important in determining your final grade. The standard of research and writing, on the other hand, is as important.