
Posting images that users can re-pin, comment upon, or simply ‘like’ may seem a little innocuous, but when you consider that the source of the original pin is a hyperlink to the image itself the possibility of driving website traffic becomes a reality.
How to boost the effectiveness of your Pinterest presence
1. Plan to succeed – decide what Pinterest's success should look like and work towards that goal. Be prepared to invest time to develop the resource properly.
2. Make an effort to determine who your customers are and what problem you intend to solve for them. Know who your ideal customer is and where they are on Pinterest. Create boards that revolve around the problems that you are capable of solving.
3. Try to develop the most creative and visually-compelling content possible. Consider using infographics – if your design capacity is limited try using a service like or info. am where you can customize professional-looking templates with your own data. Don’t neglect text – a nice font on a simple background can work wonders.
4. Make sure to fill out your Pinterest profile properly and brand it with your company logo. Connect your Pinterest business profile to your business website. Under the settings menu you can add a brief description of your business – take full advantage. For your profile pic try to use the same image that you have used to brand both your Facebook and Twitter profile.
5. Pinterest is social. So, if you want to get noticed on Pinterest be social. Try to avoid blatant self-promotion – balance your content with the content of others. Don’t be afraid to be informal. Get involved in the community. Help users, answer questions, and try to establish yourself as an authority on your niche market. Be prepared to involve users in company decisions. Most importantly of all say “thank you”.
6. Create pinboards that suit your target customers and industry niche. Plan your board strategy and try to avoid creating too many boards. Having fewer boards with lots of images rather than lots of boards containing only a few images is regarded as best practice. Make sure you add each of your boards to a category for extra exposure. Carefully consider the subject matter associated with each board – perhaps, for example, you could create a board that tells the story of your company and communicates your values.
7. Optimize. Take advantage of the Pinterest bookmarklet tool which allows you to pin images from your website. Like any social network, Pinterest has a “Pin It” button available for website owners. The button functions exactly like similar offerings from Facebook providing users with a quick and easy way to pin your content to their Pinterest pages. Embed the “Pin It” button as prominently as possible on your website. Pinterest has also made a “Follow Me” button available. Integrate your Pinterest profile with other social media platforms – link to Facebook and Twitter.
8. Use the platform to promote and host competitions – make sure that the competition in question is dependent upon actions like pinning, re-pinning, commenting, or even just liking. Alternatively, you could make your Pinterest followers feel special by offering exclusive discounts.
9. Pin in an ethical fashion. Check the source of your material before you pin. Report unethical behavior and give credit where it is due.
10. Keep SEO in mind, but also realize that Pinterest is really all about referral traffic. It is vital that you track your success (and failure) on Pinterest. Make sure, via analytics, to understand what pins, brands, and boards get results. Try to figure out what will work and what will not.
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