
Critical analysis of a dissertation comprises of the capability of analysing and assessing the work done by an author. It could either be a movie, a book, or some other thing altogether. Eventually, the reason with which a critical review is conducted is to create an engagement using text, rather than a plain reading and openly accepting what is being said without any questions raised. This would facilitate an individual to acquire a robust understanding about the material and also at the same time result in arriving at interesting and meaningful observation about the topic. Critical analysis is essentially a written evaluation of a domain or subject for example computer science dissertation. Skills in critical analysis is required to conduct a critique in an effective manner but at the same time, it is also imperative to convey the analysis in a manner that is highly effective.
Critical Review: The Purpose
The purpose of a critical review is not just to summarize or paraphrase that what was stated by an author. Critical review warrants the need to have a careful consideration about the information that has been presented during work and assessing what it means, the way it has been presented and the manner in which it can be linked with other ideas and also the potential implications it holds for other written works. What is important here is that critical review is different from criticizing. Criticizing would relate to making an attempt to find flaws within a work done by someone, though it might not be merited. Nonetheless, as mentioned previously, critical review requires an individual to look at a text using a critical lens; scrutinizing the implications or assumptions made within a study.
Critical Analysis
Therefore, it can be said that critical analysis or review would simply mean assessing whether a particular piece of text is of use or not, whether the arguments within are valid and whether the theory/theories or methodology presented are flawed.
Writing the Critique
The following components are mandatory while writing the critique;
Introduction with Summary
Though a critical analysis need not summarize the work, however, a short summary is generally required to convey that the reader is aware of the source material. On the basis of the length of the summary, it could be incorporated within the introduction or it could be placed as a separate text following the introduction.
Analysis of the Dissertation Statement
The statement of the computer science dissertation forms the crux of the critique and it is not the dissertation as such that is being investigated. Here, it would be imperative to present the final assessment as to whether the work is of use or not, whether the arguments are logical etc. Akin to any academic writing a dissertation statement needs to be duly supported with evidence on the basis of an analysis.
Analysis of the Framework / Models
Computer science dissertations usually do not have frameworks but more frequently they do include models. In such a scenario, it would become necessary to critically evaluate the model/s. Here, the person doing the analysis needs to assess whether the components within the model ascribe to the topic of the dissertation or in the odd case that a framework has been used, the use of competing theories can be evaluated.
Analysis of the Methodology
On the basis of the study domain, computer science in this case, the part about the methodology needs to tackle several components. In case the work is dependent on interpretation of arguments, this part could be utilized to tackle whether the author succeeded in presenting their arguments. This would be inclusive of different types of arguments and the evidence that has been presented. In the event the work is dependent on empirical research, this part of methodology analysis could tackle the literal methodology that was utilized by the author of the concerned paper to accumulate data, and would also include experiment setup and any sources for mistakes that the author might not have taken into account.
As is evidenced above, the process of writing a critical assignment is not something that can be easily handled. It requires much patience, as the reviewer needs to read through the dissertation entirely first before writing it. This could be a time-consuming process. Further, the reviewer also needs to be knowledgeable enough to find gaps in the arguments or the opinions floated. All in all, the process can be challenging. But Tutors India offers critical review assignment writing services that students can leverage to their advantage.
About Tutors India
Tutors India is a leading organization that provides academic research services. The key purpose of the organization is to provide academic support to students in UK who would be required to develop their UK dissertations or UK assignments which would be an integral part of their coursework. Tutors India has a team of experts who are proficient and professionals from the digital entrepreneurship domain and they would be in a position to help students with their UK assignments or UK dissertations on the said topic.