
Some of us who drive may or may not have been through an auto accident! however, the general public does no longer recognizes what matters are had to be carried out after the accident. Whether it be a minor accident or a major wreck, getting into an accident is really tragic experience. Because of this tragic stressful situation, you may make many mistakes, and that may affect your chances of getting the compensation that you deserve.
You'll want to hire a car accident attorney cause they might help you significantly. The insurance company may tell you that you may not need and lawyer, that’s because they don’t want you to get one
1, Not Getting Medical Treatment
If had got into an accident, do not think twice to go to the hospital or call the ambulance if you feel any pain. You should see a doctor and you should make sure that you don’t have any injuries internally and externally. Cause the adrenaline rush created by the accident scene can mask your injuries and you may only experience that when the adrenaline wears off.
Not only that the longer you wait to see the doctor the harder it may get to prove that you had injuries from the accident. The insurance company may use this to deny your medical treatment or may give you a very low offer stating that you don’t have any serious injuries.
2, Not calling the Police
You will need to call the police even if you had a minor injury or damage, cause failing to call the police may reflect badly in your personnel injury claim. If you haven’t called the police, then your claims will go against other drivers’ claims and it may get harder to get the claim.
Note - write down the name and badge number of the officer, and tell him all the information about what happened. Also, ask for a copy of his report so you can use it in your claim.
3, Not Documenting The Incident
Like you’ve already know evidence is the number one key to winning a case. So must collect all the valuable pieces of evidence that will help you claim the insurance. If your car has a dash camera use that footage to your claim, also if there are any surveillance cameras around obtain a copy of the video so it will help you.
Photograph everything related to your injuries, the damage is done to your car and the accident scene. Also, talk to the pedestrians who witnessed the accident and ask them to provide an objective description of the accident. Also write down the name, license plate, address, and phone number of the opposite driver.
4, Leaving the Accident scene
You must not leave the accident no matter what, cause it will then be a hit and run scenario rather than an accident scene. This is against the law, so try to be on the scene and also don’t let the other driver leave the scene also.
5, Not contacting your Insurence Company
Notify your insurance company about the crash and what happened as soon as possible, a delay in contacting the insurance company may make the contract void and they may reject your insurance claim.
Also when you give a statement to the other driver’s insurance company you may need to contact your, attorney, cause your statements may be used against your claim.
6, Don’t hide your past Injuries
Don’t hide your past injuries because the insurance company’s lawyer may summon your medical records and may find out your past injuries, it will affect your credibility and may harm your case. If your old injuries were worsened by the accident then the person responsible for the accident will be held liable for that.
7, Not Documenting your expenses
You need to document everything related to your accident even your expenses, causing memories to fade over time, but you need to keep a track of the expense related to the accident.
Keep the receipts of all the bills you paid, write down everything related to that and you can get reimbursement by providing them the receipts as proof. You may also be able to get the wages you lost due to the accident if you have track of the wages that you’ve lost due to the accident.
8, Not Follow your doctor’s Advice
Listen to your doctor’s words regarding your medical condition. Listen to the doctor’s advice regarding the remedy and do accordingly. If you refuse to do so, the insurance companies will use this against you and will reject your claim. Don’t pretend you are okay, get medical help. It will only help you for medical and logical reasons.
9, Not Hiring a car accident attorney
If you’ve been through an accident it’s better for you to hire a car accident attorney, their experience will only give you the upper hand in claiming your insurance. Your insurance company may advise you to not got get a layer, that is only because they don’t want you to do so.
10, Waiting too long to file the claim
No matter your injuries, you cannot wait a long time to file the claim, if too late it may strip away from your right to file a claim. This may leave you with a terrific loss of money in clinical bills and lost wages. Keep in mind that a case is only strong if the pieces of evidence are strong. so as long as you wait, the pieces of evidence can fade away also. So file the claim asap.
Just as it sounds an accident is chaotic and traumatizing as well as expensive if you don’t get your insurance claim. So don’t make any stupid decisions that may affect your claim badly. always contact your attorney and insurance company as soon as possible if possible right away.
Also keep in mind that it is advisable to hire an accident attorney before calling your insurance company, cause the truth is these insurance companies are not on your side, they do anything to find the right reason to reject your claim.