What are the Roles of a structural drafting engineer in Construction?
What are the Roles of a structural drafting engineer in Construction?
There are many duties & responsibilities a structural designing engineer has to perform in a construction project. They integrate technical attributes to perform during construction. It is an industry that is always evolving, & structural engineers always keep it up with incredible inventions and ideas.



Structural engineers are more concerned with the structure & the physical integrity of those designs. These designs can be in the form of buildings, dams, underpasses, etc. A structural engineer focuses more to ensure security and durability.


Architects design buildings based on the shape & the size. But these designs have certain concealed technical problems which are fixed by the expert structural engineers.


There are many bim outsourcing companies in India that have an excellent team of structural engineers. These structural engineers support the architects to execute the idea of the project designed. A structural engineer is indeed formed with the robust knowledge of physics, creative trouble solving & 3-dimensional conceptual knacks.


So here, we have jot down few of the roles of a structural drafting engineer-

1. Structural Designing

2. Site Investigations

3. Communication

4. Construction Management

5. Adequate Training

1. Structural Designing


Structural engineers are qualified in structural detailing & analysis. Which is why, they are more inclined into designing the structures.


The structural designing process includes, computing & analysis of the loads. They have adequate knowledge of materials used in the construction like the economic factor, strength factors & durability factors. A structural engineer must have learning of both the technical and programming components. A structural engineer should also have the capability to comprehend and analyze the outcomes.


2. Site Investigations


When working on the site investigation, a structural engineer is entangled in inspecting the material for construction of the project. This analysis will even determine the foundation systems that are to be used for the building. Any sort of treatment needed for the material is determined based on the investigation done by a structural engineer. This investigation is then completed by a geotechnical engineer, who does the sampling of the material.

3. Communication


Even though a structural engineer is the one who designs the layout idea, he can observe it occur on the site only if the layout is constructed as preferred. For this, his understanding and vision have to be communicated with the team members too. A structural engineer have to co-ordinate & consult team members such as the site engineer, design engineer, geotechnical engineer, landscape architect, project manager, etc. Accurate understanding supports circulating accurate data among the team to avoid any confusion & mistake.

4. Construction Management


The responsibility & duty of a structural engineer begins with the accumulation of adequate data of the project. This helps to execute different activities on the site without any delay. In particularly crucial cases, structural engineers are liable for material delivery that undergoes in the task. They operate routine inspections of the on-site labor work.

5. Adequate Training


Not every structural engineer is educated to hold comprehensive responsibilities. As construction is an industry that is inclined to more security issues, which is why a structural engineer is trained for rigid working standards. Company authority can prepare the engineers for special analysis. Accurate understanding of the area codes is a crucial technical knowledge for all the structural engineers. 

Quick summary of the Roles of a structural drafting engineer in Construction

- A Structural Engineer checks the architectural configuration.

- A Structural Engineer concludes the material of construction (specifically for the structural frame).

- A Structural Engineer finalizes the structural design.

- A Structural Engineer determines the place of expansion joints.

- A Structural Engineer determines the kind of foundation.

- A Structural Engineer finalizes the structural framing blueprint.

- A Structural Engineer designs the structural illustration.

- A Structural Engineer conducts the periodical site inspection.

Now we hope that you understand the role & responsibility of a structural engineer.


Well, we are a structural drafting services provider in Ahmedabad. At Krishna Outsourcing, we have compelling structural engineers who are always up to assist you!

To avail of our services, kindly contact us at +91 8460 220 396 or +1845 445 4108 and get a quote.