
Top 8 SEO tools used for conducting website audit
Top 8 SEO tools used for conducting website audit
Before going into SEO tools, learn what SEO is.
SEO, abbreviating “Search Engine Optimization” is a process of lifting up your website in the way that is transparent to audience in Google. The better visibility your page has in search results, the higher you are to garner attention and attract new and existing customers to your business.
Talking about SEO Tools, these are the tools which provide data and tips of overall performance and success of your website. They help visualize the issues website has that may prevent the ranking and gaining visibility in SERPs.
Now coming to the topic, let’s know the different SEO Tools that experts use to rank their websites.
Google Page Speed Insights
The name has the game, this tool is used to check the page loading speed of your website. Page Speed Insights (PSI) reports on the performance of your website on both mobile and desktops devices. Go to this tool, enter your “URL” and hit “ANALYZE”, you will get the detailed report of what’s decreasing your page and recommendations on how to resolve it.
Ahrefs Webmaster Tool
It’s tool which improves your website’s SEO performance and get more traffic from search engine. Ahrefs SEO tool is a free extension for Chrome and Firefox that gives SEO data about the pages you visit and its free feature is On-Page SEO report which will provide the report on on-page performance of your website.
Google Analytics
It’s a web analytics service that provide statistics and analytical tools for search engine optimization and marketing purpose. Google analytics provides the information to measure the advertising ROI as well as tracking of social media sites and apps. The service part of google marketing platform is free to anyone using google account.
Uber Suggest
Its SEO tool that is dedicated in generating new keyword ideas. Recently acquired by entrepreneur Neil Patel, but originally founded as tool that polished Google Suggest Terms. It’s a storage of keywords which is usable and competitive researchable. Its quite affordable tool for keyword research. Its very helpful to generate keyword ideas for content marketing.
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