
My day job is prudential regulation. This includes Operational and Cyber Resilience, Investment risks, Liquidity risk and managing a team of super-specialists.
My ends of the week are for tests in digital versatility, applied cryptography and quantum figuring. During the 2020 lockdown, I madeBeatQuantum Labs which is my own lab to build up the scholarly verification of idea on network safety and quantum figuring. My hand-made individual foundation incorporates cloud workers, record workers, VPN, mail server, webservers, videoconferencing, and a quantum registering lab. My workers have a superior digital profile than Fortune 100 Banks. Throughout the previous five years, Santosh Pandit have offered a BugBounty on a private premise. I routinely welcome moral network protection scientists to attempt to hack my workers. I am extremely fortunate (and pleased) that no one has hacked them yet. At some point, I know, I should payout from the Bug Bounty. Be that as it may, hello!. I need you to break my frameworks so I can improve them.
I have constructed thirty years of profession in banking, venture banking, protection, resource the board and global guideline. My experience covers first, second, the fourth line of safeguard and as (NonExecutive) Director.