
Can anyone ever fathom that Arjun was given this heavenly, supernatural account by the all-powerful Lord Shri Krishna roughly 5100 years ago, in the middle of millions of warriors from both armies who were preparing to fight in the Mahabharata war, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Most enigmatic, weird, and unfathomable!
The essence of the Upanishads is found in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. The Lord revealed His entire form to Arjun in the Gita. Worship everyone, but all worship must be comprehensive. This is the Gita's philosophy. "Everything is divine," according to the Gita, is important.
God has also said -
“I live in the hearts of all beings, says the Gita (15:15), "Sarvasya chaham hridi sannivishat."
Additionally, there are feelings of rage, repulsion, and unease in the heart where the Lord dwells. God will manifest after your hatred and resentment are eradicated. Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Jeevan Darshan.