Has COVID Impacted Leadership and Development
Has COVID Impacted Leadership and Development
Corporates started to develop their world-class leadership programs that were conducted either live or delivered online by enabling remote individuals to learn from L&D experts by ensuring stronger connections with peers and growing as individual leaders!

Has COVID Impacted Leadership and Development

Leadership development has been the cornerstone of many organizations’ successes but there came a time when every micro aspect of life was threatened by the advent of COVID-19. Life was at an eventual standstill wherein the dread of death hung over everyone’s neck like an albatross amidst COVID-19. With more than a million people’s lives endangered by the outbreak of COVID-19 in the first wave as well as the second, the country has witnessed harrowing experiences of lack of medical facilities, hoarding of medicines, and medical instruments. During such a scarcity of resources, organizations had to bear the burden of a colossal wreck that impeded their growth. 


Challenges with Leadership Development during COVID-19:


With employees of the organization hitting a mental rock bottom in terms of their well-being, there was barely any leadership development that could have enhanced their functioning. Impediments that were brought about by COVID-19 led to government-imposed lockdowns that made remote working the new normal for corporations all along the globe. It brought about a sudden shift in the cultural setting due to a lack of workplace resources and social contexts. 


In leadership development, this approach provides a structure that includes strength awareness and balance, pairing strengths with leadership skills, and aligning them with personal or organizational goals. In crises like COVID-19, there is an urgent need for strong and decisive leadership as it becomes all the more crucial for time-critical decision-making. There is an increased demand for leaders with coaching skills as these sets of skills are generally attributed to the many recognized benefits of overall productivity and wellbeing through enhanced employee and organizational performance in any industry. 


Having various employees of the organization emotionally invested in ensuring that their families are safe and there are lesser risks around their living vicinity, the impact of COVID-19 on their work performance and mental well-being started to have a negative blow. With this scattered chaos that occurred in everyone’s personal and professional life, it became difficult to ensure that Best Leadership Training Companies In Mumbai could be carried out efficiently. 


However, no industry can work without its leaders and managers ensuring that their employees and staff are working as per the required standards of the company. With the overarching goals of the company, there was an increasing demand on the workforce to achieve their milestones but due to the resource crunch, there were various procedural delays and a lack of efficient work delivery. 


Need for Leadership Training During COVID-19:


During these circumstances, industrial leaders have had to step up to ensure that their workforce can achieve optimal functioning that can enhance their work performance. The onus of the revenue growth and success of organizations is a huge responsibility that falls on the shoulders of leaders and managers of the organization. 


Did it become challenging for leaders and managers to maintain a work-life balance and also ensure that their organization is heading in the right direction? Yes, it did. Smaller and medium-sized companies were constantly caught up in the worry of losing out on their assets as it takes even more time to build their revenue than the time it takes to incur losses. 


During COVID-19 many small-scale businesses saw an eventual downfall and the economy of the country took a huge dip. All of these instances give a direction of urgency to the need for change in Management Training during the pandemic.


So that begs an important question, how did corporates ensure that they enhanced leadership development and also undertook Management Essentials Training as religiously as they should be taken? Let’s figure out:


How did Corporates Conduct Leadership Training during COVID-19:


With every operation being carried out remotely, Online Leadership Courses India and executive coaching also took place virtually. It did pose technical challenges but with time and utmost patience, coaches and mentors overcame such remote work issues by ensuring better practices and strategies to help their workforce find a way out of this mental rut through resilient leadership qualities. 


During the virtual conduction of these leadership development sessions, most of them relied on research-based content to provide employees with outstanding instructional design, and top-notch faculty that can help them create highly impactful virtual leadership development programs.