Scott Powell MD
Scott Powell MD
Doctor Powell is your “go-to” Los Angeles Orthopedic Surgeon and PRP Injection specialist..

Orthopedic Surgeon PRP Injections and SportsMedicine | Scott Powell MD.

Doctor Powell is your “go-to” Los Angeles Orthopedic Surgeonand PRP Injection specialist. With over 15,000 Orthopedic Surgeries completed,he's an expert in open knee surgery, arthroscopic knee surgery, meniscussurgery, ACL reconstruction, knee ligament reconstruction, minimally invasiveknee surgery, knee cartilage repair, as well as shoulder surgery, elbowarthroscopy, the Tommy John procedure, and ankle ligament reconstruction. As apremier Los Angeles Orthopedic Surgeon, all of Dr. Powell's procedures areperformed in an outpatient surgery center where you go home the same day.In-office procedures include platelet-rich plasma (PRP injections) Lipogems fatrecovery,