The STING pathway targeting technologies market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of ~25%-'Roots Analysis'
The STING pathway targeting technologies market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of ~25%-'Roots Analysis'
Roots Analysis has done a detailed study on STING Pathway Targeting Therapeutics and Technologies, 2020-2030, covering key aspects of the industry and identifying future growth opportunities.

To order this 310+page report, which features 150+ figures and 200+ tables, please visit this -


Key Market Insights

§  Many small / macro molecule-based STING pathway modulators are currentlybeing evaluated as monotherapies as well as in combination with other drugs

§  The pipeline featurescandidates targeting different therapeutic areas and designed foradministration through a variety of routes; majority of such therapeutics arebeing developed as third-line and second-line treatments

§  In recent years,several well funded start-ups have entered this field of research, and aregradually developing proprietary products based on the STING pathway for thetreatment of a variety of indications

§  In addition, a numberof big pharmaceutical players have also partnered with developers focused onSTING targeting molecules in order to expand their respective capabilities inthis upcoming field of pharmacology

§  Published scientificliterature indicates that both industry and academic players have made equalcontributions to the innovation in this field; the major focus of such studiesis presently on anti-cancer therapeutics

§  Several non-profitorganizations have extended financial support to aid research efforts in thisdomain; the current focus appears to be on drug development and diseasemodelling studies

§  Foreseeing alucrative future, private and public investors have invested capital worth overUSD 2.5 billion, across more than 80 instances, in companies involved in STINGpathway research

§  The rising interestis also reflected in recent partnership activity, involving the activeparticipation of both international and indigenous companies; majority of thedeals have been focused on novel technology platforms

§  Multiple companiesare developing novel technology platforms for enhancing the research anddevelopment of STING pathway targeting therapeutics

§  Technology developersare expected to continue relying on licensing agreements involving differentSTING modulators as their primary source of revenues in the foreseen future


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Contact Details

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415