
Roots Analysis has announced theaddition of “Large Volume Wearable Injectors Market (5th Edition), 2020-2030: Focus on Bolus, Basal andContinuous Delivery Devices” reportto its list of offerings.
The wide-spreadprevalence of chronic diseases has compelled drug developers to innovate anddesign better, more advanced healthcaresolutions. Large volume wearable injectors were developed to specificallyaddress certain challenges associated with the administration of high volumeformulations, viscous drug solutions and caterto frequent dosing requirements of patients suffering from chronic healthconditions.
To order this 500+ page report, whichfeatures 175+ figures and 200+ tables, please visit this -
KeyMarket Insights
More than25 large volume wearable injectors are presently available / under development forthe administration of drugs, excluding insulin
Over 45% ofthe abovementioned devices are capable of delivering bolus doses, followed bydevices designed for continuous dosing at pre-programmed rates (15 %). These devicesare powered by a diverse variety of actuation mechanisms, including rotary pumps,cells / expanded batteries, springs, osmotic pressure and liquefied gas. It isworth noting that over 15+ known drug-device combinations are commercialized /under development.
Forinsulin delivery alone, there are 30+ large volume wearable injectors available/ under development
It isworth highlighting that nearly 40% of the abovementioned devices presently use advancedalgorithms in order to automate the delivery of insulin, based on integrated continuousblood glucose monitoring systems. Of these, majority (23%) use the hybridclosed loop system. Over 80% of such devices have special connectivity featuresthat enable better dosage monitoring.
More than200 biologics / small molecule drugs were identified as likely products to bedeveloped in combination with large volume wearable injectors
The reportprovides insights on over 800 marketed drugs / therapies and pipelinecandidates, assessing the likelihood of whether they can be developed incombination with large volume wearable injectors. The analysis takes intoconsideration current phase of development of the drug, its dosage, doseconcentration, route of administration, type of dose and information on drugsales (for marketed drugs).
Nearly 90partnerships have been signed by developers of large volume wearable injectorsbetween 2015 and 2020 (till March)
It isworth noting that more than 55% deals were established post 2017, indicating anincrease in the partnership activity within this domain. Majority of partnershipdeals were product / technology integration agreements (29%), followed by dealsfocused on product development and commercialization (23%), mergers andacquisitions (12%), and product distribution (12%).
NorthAmerica and Europe are anticipated to capture over 60% of the market share, interms of revenues generated from sales of non-insulin drug delivery devices, in2030
By 2030,46% of revenues are expected to be generated from the sales of large volumewearable injectors intended for the treatment of neurological disorders, followedby products for oncological disorders (27%), cardiovascular disorders (25%) andinfectious diseases (2%).
The largevolume wearable injectors market for insulin is anticipated to be worth overUSD 2.7 billion by 2030
NorthAmerica presently dominates the global insulin market, consequently the regionis expected to capture the majority share (50%) in terms of revenues fromwearable injector sales. It is worth highlighting that the market in Asia-pacific is anticipated to growat a relatively faster pace.
To request a sample copy / brochure of thisreport, please visit this -
Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leading developers oflarge volume wearable devices?
§ What are the prevalent trendswithin the large volume wearable injectors market?
§ Which drug candidates are suitedfor delivery via large volume wearable injectors?
§ Who are the key contract serviceproviders in this domain?
§ What are the various regulatoryguidelines issued for medical devices across different regions?
§ How is the current and futuremarket opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
Thefinancial opportunity within the large volume wearable injectors market (fordelivery of non-insulin and insulin drugs) has been analyzed across thefollowing segments:
§ Type of Device
- Patch Pump / Injectors
- Infusion Pump / Injectors
§ Product Usability
- Disposable
- Re-usable
§ Therapeutic Area (fornon-insulin drugs)
- Neurological Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Oncological Disorders
- Infectious Disorders
§ Key geographicalregions
- North America
- Europe
- Asia Pacific and Rest of the World
Thereport features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom, largevolume injectors are generally preferred for the delivery of biologics, which cannotbe easily administered orally. The report includes detailed transcripts ofdiscussions held with the following experts:
§ Mark Banister (CEO, Medipacs)
§ Michael Hooven (CEO, EnableInjections)
§ Jesper Roested (CEO, Subcuject)
§ Pieter Muntendam (Former Presidentand CEO, scPharmaceuticals)
§ Menachem Zucker (Vice Presidentand Chief Scientist, Elcam Medical)
§ Graham Reynolds (Vice President andGeneral Manager, Biologics, West Pharmaceutical Services)
§ Mindy Katz (Director of Product, SorrelMedical)
Theresearch includes detailed profiles of key players (listed below); eachprofile features an overview of the company, its financial information (if available), a descriptionof the product(s) offered, details of recent developments related to largevolume wearable injection devices and an informed future outlook.
§ Becton Dickinson
§ Bespak (subsidiary of ConsortMedical)
§ CeQur
§ Debiotech
§ Eli Lilly
§ Enable Injections
§ Insulet
§ Medtronic
§ PharmaSens
§ Roche
§ SOOIL Development
§ Sonceboz
§ Sensile Medical (acquired byGerresheimer)
§ SteadyMed Therapeutics (acquiredby United Therapeutics)
§ Tandem Diabetes Care
§ Weibel CDS (acquired by SHLMedical)
§ West Pharmaceutical Services
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415