![Advertising Signs and the DPTI's Assessment Guidelines for Road Safety](
The DPTI's new Advertising Sign Assessment Guidelines for Road Safety replace previous practices and provide appropriate advice to the Commissioner of Highways. The DPTI's guidelines for road safety are based on Australian Standards and are similar to those used in other states. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the criteria for advertising signs. They're intended to help planners and agencies decide on whether a sign is suitable for an area.
The Commission's guidelines for road safety assessment are not definitive. The Commissioner of Highways has historically opposed advertising signs in road reserves because they can reduce visibility, impede visibility, and decrease separation distances between the carriageway and a fixed object. However, the Commissioner of Highways may consider the installation of an advertisement in a road reserve if it is attached to transport-related infrastructure or has a demonstrable community benefit. Applicants must demonstrate that the advertisements will not increase road safety risks.
To compute the height of an advertising sign, the distance from the base of the sign at grade to the highest attached component will be used. Mounds or filling in the area where the sign is located will be excluded from this measurement. The area of a multiple-faced sign should be calculated using a similar formula. Once this information is collected, the signs should be assessed. The Department of Planning's Advertising Signs Assessment Guidelines for Road Safety can be used as a guide to assess roadside signage.
Adequate way-finding capabilities are another important consideration in advertising signs. While they can serve as useful way-finding aids, they must also be designed in such a way as not to create traffic hazards or confusion for drivers. arrows should be avoided where possible. Listed below are some examples of advertising signs that should be considered for road safety assessment. There are more detailed guidelines for the assessment of advertisements. You may also find useful information on the DPTI website.
Adequate placement of advertising signs is vital for road safety. Some signs create a distracting background and may interfere with drivers' ability to clearly read and understand the instructions posted on a traffic control device. Signs should be placed outside the central field of view of drivers. A thorough site inspection should be performed before a final decision is made. This is particularly important at intersections. So, the positioning of advertising signs is critical to ensuring they don't obstruct a driver's sightline.
The guidelines recommend placing advertising signs outside of a five-degree horizontal envelope around a traffic control device. They also recommend avoiding placing them in between traffic signals. The only exception to this rule is when the location is complex, such as between intersections, junctions, or rail crossings. So, you'll want to consider all this when planning your business flags advertising signs. This article also contains helpful information about the assessment guidelines for advertising signs in road safety.
The Guidelines apply to advertising signs on Commissioner of Highways land. If a sign violates a condition of approval, the City Clerk must give ten days' notice in writing to the property owner. The notice must also include information on the date, time and place of the hearing. Ultimately, the decision will be based on the evidence presented in the notice. In some cases, advertising signs can be removed if they present a safety hazard or a traffic hazard.
In addition to compliance with ADA, signage should be designed to create a unique character. It should not be too big or too small and should complement the architectural theme of the building. It should not exceed four square feet in area. A sign may be regulated based on its size, height, and other factors. However, it should not impede free speech. In addition to following guidelines for road safety, signs should not impede the constitutional right to free speech.
Despite the benefits of this legislation, a recent study found that advertising signs can increase crash risk. While most empirical studies are limited by their methodology, they found that frequent changes to roadside advertising signs may increase the risk of crashes. Further research is necessary to determine the effect of advertising signs on the road environment on road safety. This is particularly important as roadside technology continues to change. For this reason, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has issued guidelines for road safety and have published a comprehensive list of the guidelines for roadside advertising.