Your Essential New Financial Year Calendar
Your Essential New Financial Year Calendar
If the first half of 2020 has taught us anything, it’s about how important planning is when it comes to e-commerce.

If the first half of 2020 has taught us anything, it’s about how important planning is when it comes to e-commerce. Timing is everything! While there is so much outside of our control (quite the understatement!) it’s essential to be able to plan ahead for the things that we know are important. Planning for what is foreseeable allows resources to be available for when you need them most. Agility and shifting course isn’t something that can happen without big-picture planning.

On that note, what are you planning for the second half of 2020? Whether your business has shifted direction and you need to think about logistics and fulfilment, or you need to focus on specific promotions to reach new customers, our Essential 2020 E-Commerce Calendar has everything you need to make the most of the next six months and beyond! Start the new financial year strong, keeping note of all the important industry events, promotions and the essential dates, tips and topics that should be on your radar. Download it right here.

Want some highlights? Let’s work through the next six months…

July: During a crisis, it’s difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel, however, brands must think long- term in how they react, and take the opportunity to build their digital communities. Download our eBook 7 Ways to Adapt Your Online Advertising During a Crisis.

August: Do you have a defined social strategy for 2020? How is your budget tracking? Are you meeting your KPIs? Find out how to get your products in front of all the right consumers, at just the right time. And don’t forget to bid up on Father’s Day terms now!