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The History of WoTLK Classic Gold World of Warcraft wotlk classic So FarSee More World of Warcraft wotlk classic Burning Crusade Legacy Server Live Today
After several years of development World of Warcraft wotlk classic 's fan-made server Felmyst is now live. The server will take back the game to launch in The Burning Crusade. The first expansion for this game came out in 2007 and, following Felmyst's open Beta (which was closed on the 18th of July) the server that is not officially licensed will be available from 12PM 3 PM PT / 3 PM ET/ 8 PM BST.
The Felmyst team aims to make the game as true as close to The Burning Crusade experience as possible. In contrast to other servers that are not official there aren't any bonuses in the amount of loot or gold you earn and you level in the same way that it was back in 2007. (up until level 70). Two realms exist: two for Alliance and the other for Horde and both are PvP. The legacy server's version below.
In a lengthy video, the developer Gummy describes how difficult it was to develop the server that was a legacy one due to the Burning Crusade's depth of details. World of Warcraft wotlk classic was also at the time more difficult to play. Gummy stated that players could anticipate the challenge of re-playing the game using its 2007 version.
You can find out more details on the server and find information on how to join the server here. In the year 2000, Blizzard shut down a popular server from the past called Nostralrius that brought back the game to its basic version. In the aftermath, Blizzard met with the team behind Nostralrius. The manager of the server's project told the group that at the meeting the Blizzard team seemed more in favor of using legacy servers within the game.
WoW buy WoTLK Classic Gold Cross-Faction Support is Released May 31, along with Patch 9.2.5