
Although smart-gadgets are an invention of the recent past, can you begin to picture a world without them? Gone are the days we used to write letters instead of emails, and using hanging and laying payphones instead of smartphones.
With the use of these smart gadgets, life has become so much easier. It has become easier to the point where, now, a lot of the things that we use of the ways we use a smart-gadget are useless and unproductive, especially at the workplace. It has become easier to get distracted by the presence of these smart gadgets. How do we, as a community, tackle unproductive habits? The answer is simple - by introducing MOFT into each employee, entrepreneur, and executive's life. The word MOFT stands for "Mobile Office For Traveler." WIth MOFT life becomes simple, even when you are stagnant at a place or being a heavy traveler.
Read Full Article: Workplace Productivity In An Era Of Smart-Gadgets