
For starters, let's see what an ICO is!
ICO- Initial Coin Offering, is a fundraising method, where investors are issued with coins/tokens, which they sell to raise capital for their start-ups! ICOs are currently widely booming among potential investors and are the most preferred fundraising mechanisms. This is because ICOs are unregulated and also companies do not have to pay back anything with what they raise from selling their ICOs. There are also many other advantages involved with an ICO, which makes it more credible among investors. Let’s take a look at what they are.
Key Benefits of an ICO:
High-volume liquidity
No involvement from any central authority
User anonymity and transparency
Easy accessible
High return possibilities
Backed by blockchain technology that secures, controls and verifies transactions
Legally compliant
Enhanced security/ escrow system
These are the core advantages involved with an ICO.
Why should you market your ICO? And how to do it?
Now, coming to marketing, for any business marketing is a very essential factor! Because, marketing is what will attain reputation, reach, branding and identity for your business among your target audience and to stand out from existing competitors. Especially, when a business like ICO development is in peak demand and competition, marketing is the key tool to achieve success and sustainability in the long run. Before going into the marketing tools, there are some steps you need to go through to make it more unique and effective that involves,
Conduct In-Depth research about the current market needs and trends
Prepare a marketing structure based on the above criteria
Talk to experts, get in touch with the best ICO marketing company
and gather immense information and knowledge about their services.
Deeply analyze the existing competitors and the services offered by them to make your promotions more unique and to make customers feel you offer services that don't already exist in the market.
Analyze which marketing tools gain the most traction from customers to plan your marketing sketch accordingly.
Now, how to market your ICO effectively? Let’s take a brief look at some important strategies and marketing tools that will be of big help.
Ways to promote your ICO effectively:
Whitepaper- Drafting a valuable, creative whitepaper that contains every information the customer will need regarding your ICO, the purpose, benefits and the solutions it would offer them for the existing challenges will gain their trust and credibility towards your project.
Website- Creating a website that is easy-navigable and designed efficiently and in a user-friendly manner will turn the eyes of potential investors towards your ICO.
Content Marketing- Engaging your audience with valuable content through blogs, articles, posts, forums, etc will help them learn in detail about what your project is about and how it will benefit them.
Social media marketing- Social media marketing is a very effective and crucial tool for marketing. Right marketing through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc will gain huge traction and make your business viral among global customers.
Email Marketing- Massive Email Blasts and newsletters with crisp, valuable content explaining the features and services of your ICO, will build strong customer relationships and build a circle for your business of potential investors.
Influencer Marketing- Hiring a legitimate celebrity/ influencer to voice out for your ICO through various forums will gather interest and trust from customers globally.
ICO press release- Carry out an effective press release for your ICO, with every necessary information and gain increased credibility and also media exposure will expand the scope and branding of your ICO among the audience.
Bounty programs- You can conduct bounty programs where the investors are given a task and rewarded accordingly on the accomplishment of the task. This will encourage and pave the way for new budding investors to participate.
Pay-per-click- Paid advertisements like pay-per-click will drive the customer's attention towards your ICO and create awareness.
Community building- Every business needs to have its own community around. This will gain loyalty and enrich your brand more among your existing competitors.
These are some major marketing strategies that will help promote your ICO soundly among your targeted audience. To carry this in the right way, you need to have a strong contact base and it is going to cost you an ample sum of your money! The better and the more effective choice to make here is, hire a top, well experienced ICO marketing company in India, who knows in and out about the market needs and is up to date with the current trends. Such companies will offer the most reliable, world-class marketing solutions that will widen your scope in the global sphere and gain you huge traction and profits in millions! Also, their solutions will be cost-effective! So, get in touch with a company today, market your ICO today and go viral in the market!