
Most people associate root canal treatment with a lot of pain and discomfort. Although most people experience discomfort during and after a root canal treatment, excessive pain is not normal. The procedure is made quicker with the help of modern technology and anesthesia is safe, usually painless, and a great way to save your natural tooth. However, to avoid the need for root canal treatment, anyone with a toothache should see a dentist immediately to prevent an infection from worsening, forming an abscess, or spreading throughout the tooth’s root system.
How much pain is normal?
After having a root canal, most people report feeling a little sensitive or tender for a few days.
There are several reasons for this, including:
The gum tissue is still swollen or inflamed: Even though the dentist removed the nerve root from the tooth, there are still small nerves in the ligaments and tissue surrounding the tooth. These nerve endings can register discomfort when this area is inflamed, such as after a dental procedure.
Damage from a dental instrument: It is possible that a dental instrument used to clean out the root canal accidentally damaged the sensitive surrounding tissue.
High temporary filling: This occurs when the dentist places a temporary filling and does not smooth it down sufficiently. If the filling is even slightly higher than the surrounding tooth, the mouth will bite harder on that spot, causing the tooth to become sore.
The sensitivity and discomfort associated with a root canal should subside within a few days in most cases.
If the pain does not improve, or if it is severe or unrelieved by home remedies, it is critical to consult an endodontist or dentist.
Is a root canal possible to fail?
Fortunately, the majority of root canals are successful. Some root canal treatments, however, are unsuccessful, and a person may experience additional pain. There are numerous reasons for this:
Poor oral or dental hygiene causes the restoration to leak over time, as does the presence of an extra canal in the tooth that the endodontist cannot see, an obstruction such as a curved root canal that prevents complete cleaning of the canal, vertical cracks in the tooth, and dentist or endodontist error.
If a missed canal is the source of the pain, the endodontist will need to open the tooth, remove the filling, and search for the canal.
Taking care of root canal pain at home
Over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers should suffice to alleviate the discomfort caused by a root canal. When using medications, make sure to carefully follow the instructions and contact the endodontist if the pain reliever does not work. Ibuprofen is a pain reliever that can be purchased online.
It is critical to refrain from chewing or biting on the affected tooth until the final restoration is completed. Because the temporary filling is fragile, it may break. Additionally, good oral hygiene should be maintained through regular brushing and flossing. Online, you can buy a variety of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss.
What is the procedure for a root canal?
An endodontist is usually the person who performs a root canal (a specialist who cares for the inside of teeth).
The following are the steps in a root canal procedure:
The endodontist examines and X-rays the tooth to prepare for the procedure. The dentist will then numb the tooth with a local anesthetic and place a protective covering (rubber dam) in the person’s mouth to isolate the damaged tooth and protect the rest of the mouth.
To access the delicate structures inside the tooth, the endodontist makes an opening in the top of the tooth. The pulp is then removed from the chamber and root canals by the dentist using very small instruments.
The root canals are then cleaned and shaped to make room for the filling and, possibly, a post to support the tooth.
The endodontist fills the root canals with a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha and then seals it within the tooth with an adhesive.
After that, the endodontist will place a temporary filling on top of the tooth to protect the inside of the tooth while it heals.
A person who has had root canal treatment must return to the dentist to have the temporary filling removed. At this point, the dentist will either place a permanent crown or perform another type of permanent restoration on the tooth.
Once the root canal is finished, the tooth should be fully functional and no longer cause pain.
Every year, a large number of root canal treatments are completed. Endodontic treatment can successfully save a tooth that has been infected or damaged in the majority of cases.
New technologies and anesthetics help to make a root canal procedure as painless as possible. People who are experiencing severe or long-lasting pain should contact an endodontist for further evaluation.
City Dental Hospital
At City Dental Hospital, we are proud to provide excellent dental care at competitive prices. We pride ourselves on offering our patients the latest technology for comprehensive treatments along with unmatched levels of patient care and satisfaction.
City Dental Hospital offers complete dental care in Gujarat. It has an experienced team of dentists and technicians who provide a wide range of procedures to their patients. City Dental Hospital provides expert treatment at an affordable price!
Founded by Dr. Chitralekha Acharya in 2015, CityDentist is a private dental clinic that provides exceptional services to patients in Baroda.
Bite-Lit is a dental clinic located in Ahmedabad and Vadodara, India. The goal of Bite-Lit Dental Hospital is to provide patients with quality orthodontic treatment that provides fast results, outstanding cosmetic appearance, and comfort for long-term use.