
In 2005 three suicide bombers detonated body-borne improvised explosive devices (IED’s) in a busy tourist area of Bali, Indonesia killing 20 people. Just three years prior, a mix of both vehicle-borne and body-borne IED’s killed 202 people in the same resort. These horrific attacks were the result of carefully planned operations linked to radical Islamic terrorism.
Why Do ETS Only Utilize Tier One Operators For Vip Protection?
In 2005 three suicide bombersdetonated Vip Protection Companies body-borne improvised explosive devices (IED’s) in a busy touristarea of Bali, Indonesia killing 20 people. Just three years prior, a mix ofboth vehicle-borne and body-borne IED’s killed 202 people in the same resort. These horrific attacks were the result ofcarefully planned operations linked to radical Islamic terrorism.