
Why Brands Value Their Trademark More Than Their Any Other Assets?
Trademark can radically help in leveraging the business. Even if you do not understand it, everyone deals with trademarks every day. Trademark is another way of referring to brands. Trademark registration might comprise a device that portrays the representation of animals, human beings, words, letters, numerals, signature, or any combination of these.
Your mark is your liability and pride as well at the same time. In case another business tries to use the similar name, you will have lawful recourse to stop it. For case, if you are making a particular product in your brand name and someone else uses that brand name to produce the similar product with reduced quality and cost as well, then in case your brand name is registered you can take legal action upon that individual and thus protecting your brand name, goods, and repute as well. Further, the following are significance of online trademark registration:
- It opens the way for businesses to most efficiently use the internet
- It makes it simpler for customers to locate you
- They are your lasting assets
- Trademarks are among the most competent financial communication tool.
- It can make hiring simpler
- To begin with, search on the trademark’s department website as to whether the Trademark you plan to register is registered already or not.
- After you have checked that no such Trademark is registered, then an application in Form TM-A together with the necessary fees has to be deposited.
- On acknowledgment of application, the Registrar of Trademark shall scrutinize the same and if found acceptable the mark shall be accepted and publicized in journal. In case of any doubt, the Registrar shall publish an examination report; the respond of which has to be filed within a period of one month failing which the mark shall be ditched.
- On receipt of reply to examination report, if the Registrar is pleased he shall acknowledge and promote the same but if he is still not satisfied the Registrar shall place the matter on hearing.
- After the mark is publicized in journal, the same shall be open for disagreement with the requisite fees for a few months time from the date of publication of the mark in journal.
- If the mark is not conflicting by anybody, the same shall be registered and a registration certificate evidencing the same shall be received by the applicant or his authorized agent but in case the same is contrasting then the counter statement to such resistance is to be filed by the applicant within few months of receipt of opposition.
- On receipt of counter statement, the antagonist has to file proof in support of his antagonism within two months and afterward, the applicant shall file evidence in regards to application.
- Thereafter, the matter shall be referred for hearing and the Registrar shall have the power to decide.