Who Is Most Likely to Try Wife Swapping?
Who Is Most Likely to Try Wife Swapping?
Wife swapping, as a practice, can be found in almost every historical period and in every culture.

Wife swapping, as a practice, can be found in almost every historical period and in every culture. The idea of having multiple partners, even intimate ones, wasn’t frowned upon in older times as it is today. But things are beginning to change for the good. More and more swingers groups are popping up thanks to dedicated websites and platforms, and swingers now have the freedom to meet up in a safe environment and be themselves.

How Do Swingers Groups Help People?

The idea of changing partners with other couples, or of having multiple partners isn’t something new. All throughout history examples can be found in numerous cultures around the globe of people and couples sharing intimate relations with multiple partners, sometimes at the same time. In Imperial China, although the Emperor was married and his wife had some very special privileges, he was able to have numerous concubines with which he could have sexual relations that would even sometimes end up in the birth of children. Moving forward thru time, the Ottoman Sultans were renowned for their harems of beautiful young women that would be available to them 24/7. Even in modern times swinging, as it came to be known, has many “practitioners”. Although not looked upon favorably by the general public, swinging is a big part of society, with more and more people annually wanting to try it and become part of a sexual and spiritual revolution.

Swinging is a delicate subject to many. That is why meeting swingers can sometimes be difficult or awkward, if done in improper conditions. In the early years of the swing movement, getting people together in order to swap partners was tricky business. The community either relied on members that would host social events and parties or on bars and clubs that could cater to their needs, the first of which was discretion. Swinging was viewed as some kind of disease or even a psychic deviation, and the members of the movement were routinely followed by law enforcement officers and arrested or even beaten up. This is why  swingers groups were created. These groups allow swingers to get in touch with one another and to set un meets and other events. Thanks to modern tech solutions, there are numerous websites, apps and platforms that offer this services to swingers. This way, the people in these swingers groups can be relaxed, knowing that they are among other likeminded people and that they do not have to hide or to take any unnecessary risks.

But swingers groups aren’t only about having sex with strangers, as many people outside the swinger lifestyle might think. These groups can act as support groups for members that have gone thru traumatic events or have a hard time meeting new people and creating lasting relations. in fact, many people that are in these groups, aside from the occasional intimate relation, come together in order to stay in touch with other members. Many of them even start building relationships outside the groups, like vacationing together or having various other social interactions. Swinging has become more of a part of mainstream culture, and people are starting to accept swingers more easily than before. There is still a long way to go until full acceptance, but these groups do come in handy for new members that want to experience the lifestyle and for those who just want to meet up with others and have a good time.

Who Is Most Likely to Try Wife Swapping?

Wife swapping , as swinging is also known as, is somewhat of a difficult subject to bring up at the dinner table. It rarely is a subject that naturally comes up in conversations and can be quite off putting for most people. But for those who are curious about it, there are many places and ways they can find out about such things. Usually, those curious to try it are those in committed, long-term relationships, that are comfortable with trying new experiences and who want to discover more about themselves. To put it simply, the most likely to try wife swapping are those who are open minded, and understand that this lifestyle choice goes way beyond casual sex with strangers.

Another category of people that are likely to try wife swapping are those who want to add a little more adventure to their lives. They are usually very curious about what is going on behind closed doors and want to get a peek at what others are doing. Although in the swinging community it isn’t considered polite to stare at other people enjoyed themselves, especially sexually, you can still find a way of interacting with those who already have some experience in these matters and find out what they enjoy doing and how. Most people that have tried swinging found out that the people in the community are usually very friendly and want to share with newcomers. They also have some strict rules that they all abide by so there’s no need to feel unsafe or uneasy around them. There’s always the option of leaving the community if anything isn’t to your liking, but most people that become swingers stay that way because they discover new people and make new friends.

Although it is called wife swapping, the community will welcome from time to time single people as well. This may seem like the equivalent of letting a child with a sweet-tooth unsupervised in a candy store, but it isn’t really like that. Singles are a part of the community as much as couples. Clubs that cater to swingers, for instance, will invite singles from time to time in order to keep things interesting and to keep the already established members of the community interested. This might sound like bare faced marketing, and to some extent it is. But the whole idea is to make people feel good about themselves and to create the perfect combination of friendship and intimate relations.