
Learn Android App Development online with courses like Android App Development and Build Your First Android App (Project-Centered Course).
About Course
Android Live Project training has been particularly planned to permit potential developers to build better and attractive applications using industry best experiences for solving common Android development problems. Our best Android development training courses are touted to cover a range of Android framework topics in order to give the student an inclusive learning experience. We provide courses which not only focus on development methodologies for applications but also on other relevant features such as managing audio playback optimizing battery life and designing effective navigation. We also provide live hands on practical training on live projects of Android developments. Android training provided by our best training experts who train students for challenges they may face in their professional life and equip them with related Android development expertise.
Our Aim
Understand the Android OS architecture
Create a simple User Interface using Android Studio
Create a Web-based Application and implementation of Firebase
Learn how to utilize the supremacy of background services threads asynchronous tasks and notifications.
TLAB Global offers the Best Job Oriented Programs along with 100% Placement Support itself. TLAB Global has achieved and set a milestone of placing 100% Trainees into the Placement Partner Companies of TLAB Global.
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