
The root canal of a tooth contains nerves and pulp that go through it. They have different roles like giving the sensitivity and keeping the tooth alive, active and connected to you maxillary. There are many situations in which you need to seek treatment from a root canal dentist. If any of your teeth cause you pain and have some type of cavity then you should search a dentist near me and ask about the treatment. It has the role of keeping your natural tooth instead of replacing it with a fake one. The treatment itself removes the nerve and the pulp because it is inflamed or infected. If this is not done the infection could spread to the gum around the tooth.
After extracting the nerve and the pulp the empty place is filled with gutta-percha or a material similar to it. This step is absolutely necessary because without it the canal itself will infect and the problem will reappear. Although this is a very good solution that prevents the need for extraction, unfortunately, it is not permanent. The tooth was already dying because of the infection and it was also decaying. But you can still use it for some time through this method. But you must be prepared to extract it in at most a few years after which you will need to use another solution.
When Should You Search for a Dentist Near Me and Ask About This Treatment?
If you experience the symptoms presented bellow you should go to a dentist near me because you may need this treatment:
- Pain. If you fell a pulsating pain that does not stop over a long period of time, or it even gets worse and worse then make an appointment as fast as possible because there are high chances that an infection had already started. The pain can manifest itself in other ways. In can spread to your jaw, ear, or neck. You could also feel pain only when you bite.
- Swelled gums. If your gums swelled then the zone is inflamed but the nerve of your tooth could be already infected and you may need a root canal treatment. The swelling could cover you check and if you do nothing about it could even cover half your face. So, make sure you visit a root canal dentist as soon as possible before the problem grows too big.
The causes that provoke the infection can be many. Starting from cavities that permits bacteria to reach the nerves, to chips or cracks that can come from any trauma you suffered to the face. Sometimes large fillings or repeated procedures could also be the cause of the infection.
Why Medication Is Not Enough and Why You Must Go to a Root Canal Dentist?
The short-term solution for a tooth infection is medication. The infection can be eliminated temporary but another one could always form. The best solution is to remove the nerve and the pulp and, after this is done, fill the empty space with a material like gutta-percha to prevent another infection from appearing. The process is not complicated. The first step is an x-ray. The root canal dentist needs it to see how grave is the situation and how the infection is spread. After this step, the treatment starts.
The dentist will use a local anesthetic to prevent you from feeling the pain. Then, he will create a hole through your tooth. Through that hole, he will clean the infection and remove the pulp together with the nerve. After he fills the empty space, he can either use a temporary filling for your tooth or he may use a temporary crown.
After the treatment is done you will not feel any pain anymore but you must come back to the dentist near me to change the temporary solution that was used to cover the tooth with a permanent one. It can either be a permanent filling which could be made from metals like gold or from other material. The most popular one is the white filling because it looks just like the real tooth. Another solution could be a dental crown. The most popular ones are made from porcelain but you can find them made from metals as well. The solution that your dentist will recommend will be based on your situation and, very rarely, he may even let you choose any of them if he considers that it does not matter which one you choose.