
Why is it so important? This type of email maximizes the levels of interaction with companies, helps attract new subscribers, reduces spam reports, provides segmentation options, benefits the first-rate, improves the experience of contacts, and increases their loyalty. Also, being automated, it optimizes shipping and work times.
And what is the deadline to make the first dispatch? The primary condition to be efficient is to send the right content at the right time. Therefore, the idea is to welcome as long as the conversion is generated. But when opting for a longer-term, it should not exceed 2 hours. It must be done before the new contact forgets the brand.
What characteristics does it have to meet? Through Loyalty Automation, you will be able to configure your welcome campaign, which should deliver useful content, or resources, establish realistic commitments, acknowledge registration, transmit a clear signal of transparency and use a friendly tone that paves the way to build a stable relationship with the recipients.
The advantage is that you have several options to create that startup email and win over new users. Download the infographic below and get inspired with some ideas!
Let's start with a necessary dose of realism; ending up classified as spam is not something that can be avoided entirely. The factors that interfere with this are varied and not all depend on the work done by the Email Marketing team. However, there are actions to be taken to minimize this risk, with anti-spam measures. Get to know more about the welcome email template via reading online.
If you wish to automate your welcome email check out our guide on how to use autoresponders to set up welcome emails here -
First, you have to understand the causes that can make you a spammer without necessarily being one. And one of the main ones is the filtering of email providers against unwanted emails, which by not having 100% accuracy, can generate quality messages that end up in the dreaded folder.
Antispam measures and timely monitoring
The best-known email provider is Gmail, and when we enter its spam section, the message is clear: "items that have been in the folder for more than 30 days will be automatically deleted." The user may check it frequently and mark the relevant emails to return to the inbox, but they may also do the opposite and never know what types of messages were rated as spam.
Therefore, it is necessary to do regular monitoring of Email Marketing campaigns. Enter the infographic to review some antispam measures that will improve the performance of your shipments.
Webinars have become an indispensable resource for remote activities in various productive sectors, which facilitates the link with a broader audience and increases the reach of institutional voice. This condition contributes to their being a valuable tool, when looking to close sales through Email Marketing, but providing useful and cutting-edge content.
On the other hand, visual formats capture the attention of users more quickly than written forms; therefore, they are an enormous opportunity to expand the knowledge of the brand and increase its authority. This implies that the emphasis should not only be placed on setting up a great email campaign, but also on organizing an unforgettable audiovisual session.
Let's get started!
1. Define a topic that generates ties and interaction
Selling is much more than offering a product at a specific time. Yes, that can materialize in a purchase or two, but what about later? The important thing is to build for the long term and take care to deliver a formidable experience that lasts over time.
Therefore, to organize a webinar, do not wait until you have a specific item to sell. Generate opportunities that enhance your image and create stronger links with the customer. Don't just look for themes that suit a product or service, to highlight its qualities; Dare to go beyond that limit, focusing on delivering solutions and content that generate extensive interaction.
How to find them? You can track the most frequent questions that users ask your support team, see the most consumed content on your website, or ask them through a survey about what type of topics they would like to deepen.
2. Make an impeccable visual presentation
Do you already have the topic and initial interest from subscribers? Perfect, now you have to work to maintain it for all or most of the broadcast. That means setting up entertaining stories, with specialized voices and engaging graphics. I mean, are you going to use slides? Well, these should be clear, concise, have a clean design, and provide value to attendees.
The other, do not open your material in the middle of the seminar; put it to the test before. Is the transition between each slide smooth? Are there any that should be eliminated? Are the texts of the appropriate length? Email campaigns can be great, but if Email Marketing webinars don't live up to expectations, it will be challenging to achieve optimal results.
3. Choose a platform to broadcast and host the seminar
Some webinars are held for a closed circle of attendees, but others are recorded and made freely available after being broadcast. Opting for the second path will ensure that both attendees and those who missed the session have the opportunity to access it for the first or multiple times. And it will also provide more options to promote the event after its broadcast and close sales through Email Marketing.
But first, you have to define which platform will be used for the transmission, being clear about its characteristics and limitations. Let's look at two examples:
Zoom - Supports up to 1,000 live video participants and 50,000 viewers. It even allows you to broadcast live and simultaneously, on Facebook Live and YouTube Live.
GoToWebinar: Maximum participant capacity varies by subscription plan, but ranges from 100 to 3,000. And just like Zoom, you can access reports and analysis (logs, assists, etc.).
As for the duration of the seminar, it is recommended that it does not exceed 60 minutes so as not to diminish the interest of the attendees.
4. Determine the forms of promotion
Now that we have the raw material ready, it is time to focus on the options for closing sales through Email Marketing. In other words, define how we are going to incorporate the webinars, in such a way that both tools complement and empower our strategy.
To start, it is necessary to develop campaigns that promote the event before and after broadcasting it. This ensures that you have qualified assistance and that you extend your reach to those who did not participate. So, which alternatives to turn to?
For the previous stage, start with a close and personalized invitation, including the subject, the date, time, and the CTA that leads to the registration page or form. Submit a short advance that captures initial interest. You can do this a week before.
Two to three days after the previous shipment, it provides a new and attractive piece of information for the user that shows what to expect. Use an automated workflow to configure your email series.
After the broadcast, reward those who stayed connected until the end, with free access to a tool or a special offer.
Prepare a summary of the main points that were covered in the webinar and include the link of the site where it was hosted.
Design a campaign so that users have the opportunity to express their doubts about the subject matter. With those responses, you can create the last shipment in the series.
It is not A Sales Pitch!
Email Marketing webinars should not be used as a channel to sell or promote a brand. The focus should be on delivering value; that's what will help streamline the sales cycle and strengthen the connection with users. Also, a good experience multiplies indefinitely. Therefore, the excellent performance of a webinar will allow success to be added to subsequent ones, provided that the quality is maintained or increased.
So, plan, find out which is the best platform to transmit and monitor the results, both of your campaigns and the interaction in your broadcasts. Closing sales through Email Marketing and webinars not only has to do with what happens inside the inboxes but also with what is experienced during the audiovisual meeting.
Getting both tools to work together and empower each other will be the key to capturing your audience's interest and increasing transactions.