
Did you know that you are probably a content creator? Content creation is a broad term that describes text, photos, videos, and more. The scope of a content creator and the content they create is virtually endless. The majority of content creators make digital content to distribute via social media. To understand content creators and content creation, it is best to know the most popular types of content creation.
Content creators create articles that generate traffic and buzz. Articles may include content about current events, popular trends, and new ideas. Agencies use these articles to receive traffic and inform the public. A content creator helps agencies create articles that bring attention to a subject.
Content creators create blog posts, which are a form of article. A blog post is usually more informal than a typical article. Blog posts can be personalized and detail personal events and happenings. Anyone can be a blogger, and a blogger is a content creator.
Content creators make GIFs from short videos. GIFS are easy to distribute via text, social media, and email. GIFs capture short segments of videos and repeat on a loop. GIFs often feature a funny reaction or viral moment.
Most people order something online because of the convenience online shopping offers. In order to determine if something is worth it, prospective buyers search for product reviews. Product reviews list the pros and cons of an item. Content creators are responsible for writing product reviews. The next time you look at a product review, thank a content creator for making the review.
Content creators design memes, which are singular photos or series of photos. These photos have annotations or funny words combined that convey a thought. Memes often go viral because they are relevant and communicate a witty message.
Everyone uses YouTube, a platform for videos and information. Content creators are responsible for creating all Youtube videos. If you have ever posted a YouTube video, you are a content creator. YouTube videos contain content about daily life, news, product reviews, and historical information.
An Instagram photo, Pinterest pin, Twitter tweet, and Facebook post are all examples of content creation. Who creates social media posts? Content creators! Any type of social media post is the work of a content creator. As long as the work is original, it is a creation.
As you can see, the scope of a content creator is endless. Anytime someone makes a digital product, they are a content creator. In fact, you are probably a content creator. Now you know the range of content that content creation encapsulates. Choose your niche and create some content!