
Swinging, or wife swapping, has been around for decades and has seen its fair share of myths and outrageous stories being woven around it. Swingers dating have been accused of numerous things, some funny and some just bare-faced lies. The important thing is that the swinger community has held it together and looked out for each other in order to get through some difficult times. Nowadays, thanks to the developments in technology, and a society more opened to acceptance, swingers can be truly understood and accepted for who they are.
How Swingers Dating Works?
Swinging has gained mainstream attraction with the help of the 1960s sexual emancipation movements. This was partially because people started to explore and accept several sexual orientations, and partially because of the advancements made in contraceptives such as certain pills and other drugs and measures. Before long people started hosting parties meant to bring together people that wanted to experiment with multiple sexual partners but also who wanted to engage with fellow minded strangers. This is how swingers dating worked back then and how the community could grow and keep in touch with one another. But the general public still wasn’t ready to accept this kind of life style openly, and so people started creating various myths and rumors about swingers dating.
The myths people spread about swingers dating varied from amusing to downright offensive. Elaborate stories about orgies went around and people started believing that swingers dating was nothing more than just a way for people to engage in promiscuous sexual activities without any kind of regard for norm or moral. Since then, thanks to the emergence of the internet, social media and various swinging dedicate platforms, people could learn more about this way of life and start to understand that these people are nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Also, thanks to the new developments in swingers dating apps, people can get in touch quicker and safer than ever before.
Swinging is a valid way of live, whether some people like it or not, and so it must be recognized and respected as such. More and more people every day are discovering this option and are trying to understand if they truly are swingers. Swingers don’t want anything more than to be accepted, and for people to understand that their choices in life don’t affect others.
Some Common Misconceptions About Wife Swapping
The term wife swapping is another one used to refer to swinging as a whole. It defines a non-monogamous form of relationship that consists of the exchange of partners between couples. Although the term “wife” does hint to the fact that the couples are usually in a committed relationship, this isn’t always the case. This form of sexual behavior gave birth to a who series of myths and misconceptions that over the years have been spread and embellished amongst the people that don’t accept or partake of this kind of life style.
Nevertheless, wife swapping has built a strong community that has grown over the years and which has dedicated time and resources to putting those myths to rest once and forever.
Myths and misconceptions
1. Comparing partners. One of the most common myths about wife swapping is that, after the act itself has been consumed, partners start to compare one another to other partners they had. Although some comparison is expected and quite normal, this does not mean that one partner is better than the other. Each relationship is, or should be, based on mutual respect and understanding. Each partner has chosen the other one because he or she is special in some way. Sexual intercourse with a person outside of the relationship shouldn’t lead to unjust comparisons or fears.
2. The love factor. Although certain feelings can be involved when swinging this doesn’t mean that all feelings for the main partner have faded or that they are less important. There are dozens of examples of couples sharing their relationship with other people and doing so without any problem at all. In many poly-amorous couples the fact that a partner has certain feelings for another person outside the couple is perfectly normal and even encouraged sometimes. Falling in love with another person is a natural thing and should not influence your relationship in any way.
3. Diseases and health issues. A long-debated issue of wife swapping is that of diseases and other health related issues. The risk is real and it can’t be ignored. That is why people engaging in swinging with other couples try and keep healthy and in shape. Some clubs that cater to the swinging public even ask their members to present a clean bill of health when attending events in order to protect their customers and the community in general. While wife swapping can be done outside of such clubs, people do tend to join only other people that they know that are healthy and can openly discuss any health concerns. The risk of catching a disease is quite real, but that doesn’t mean that swingers don’t take every precaution available to them in order to prevent this.
4. Religious considerations. Another hot button issue regarding the wife swapping community is the religious implications of this life style choice. Some people, mainly due to lack of information or purely out of ignorance, have started the myth that swingers are atheists or even worse and that their life style is an offence to the church and to their religious sensibilities. This is not entirely true. Although some people might be offended by the choices swingers make, and also some members of the swinging community might not believe in any deity, the fact remains that each person is responsible for the choices he makes. This means that swingers can’t be convinced they are wrong using the religious argument. Although many consider this as an ultimate discussion closer, swingers are free to do as they choose.
5. Considering the family. A lot of people outside the swinger community have been trying to argue that swinging can have a serious psychological toll on the swinger’s families. This point of view is still u for debate, as no reliable study has ever been conducted in order to properly gauge the effect swinging has on other members of the family. Even if some people argue that some form of psychological trauma exists, there are no known cases within swinger communities that certify this.