
Surprisingly, we, directly, practically do not control our behavior. Our behavior is mostly controlled automatically. We keep the focus of attention on important things at the moment, in this context, and at this time, we perform some actions.
Man and his unconscious behavior are governed not by reason but by his essence, the so-called "autopilot." These are instincts, reflexes, desires, sensations, their interpretations, reactions to them. Reason only explains these actions and actions. This "autopilot" basically controls our behavior.
Continuing the analogy, we can say that this "autopilot" system is programmed by us regularly, either controlled or uncontrolled. This system consists of many subroutines, including the one that makes us smoke over and over again.
The mind does not govern automatic irrational looping behavior. This behavior is controlled by the program that has developed. About smoking, we call this addiction.
The reason, directly, does not affect such programs, according to which automatic behavior works. And there are many such programs.
Look, did you tell yourself that you would do this and not otherwise, but for some reason continued to do it? For example, do not smoke, but smoke yourself. Or is there only healthy foods, and you eat everything?
Go in for sports, and after that, you never started doing it? Lose weight, and then get even more fat? Anything like that? I know 100% yes.
I say this to myself, you say this to yourself, we all tell ourselves this. It is these programs that make us do something, whether we want it or not.
But not everything is so sad. There is a focus. The mind can influence the very process of concluding this mechanism. Influence the construction of such a program itself. It is necessary to identify the components of such a system of unconscious inferences that directly affect the automatic irrational behavior and revise.
How To Quit Smoking
It is necessary to understand the scheme according to which you will get rid of the bad habit—a confident psychological attitude, which consists of several points.
Firstly, it is a real great desire to quit smoking. Almost 50% of your success in the first days of quitting smoking depends on this.
The second step is to set up the transition from a smoker to a non-smoker. This is a critical stage at which the primary condition will be your motivation and understanding that everything that happens next will be positive.
The next step is to quit smoking. Remember, your body will begin to fight the effects of tobacco within 15 minutes. You also need to help him in the first week.
Consult your doctors & use nicotine pouches & nicotine gums. It will help you to quit smoking.
Addiction breaks down at the rate at which our beliefs change.