The premium video content viewership is based on the payment of a premium fee in exchange for earlier access to the same content that others would receive later. Although it was launched and tested a decade ago, it did not gain the same popularity as it has since the pandemic. When movie theatres stopped releasing films, this became an alternative way for them to reach audiences.
PVOD isn't the only way to monetize video-on-demand services. Furthermore, Transactional Video On Demand (TVOD) as well as Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) come into play to generate the best business recurring returns. The former offers pay-per-video access, with users having either temporary or permanent access to the content depending on the video on demand platform. The latter is a subscription model with unlimited access to video content for a set period of time. Furthermore, this subscription format includes different categories from which users can select multiple time periods or a premium subscription that provides access to the premium video.
Source: Premium video on demand (PVOD)