
What is Branding?

Most of the business has two aims, profit and people know them as a brand. Businesses do much activity to attain these two and they always try maintaining what they achieved. According to many survey sites cleat that customers always buy the products and services from the recognized brand, big companies always have a big budget for the marketing so they can build the brand however, this is not the scenario with the small companies or startups, that’s why they have to find the ways to build the brand within their budgets. Branding is a process of how to build the impression of your products in front of customers and potential customers. In a very layman language how people will interact with your products and services is branding. Many activities are involved while the companies try to do branding for ecommerce application, such activities are
· Creation of website and logo
· Online Advertising
· Content Distribution
· Customer Service
Branding is not that that easy process, it’s a tedious task which takes a long time as you expected, for any kind of branding you needs a concrete strategy for the branding.