
Everyday new inventions are discovered, so people now want to be more efficient and effective in cooking. Auto clean chimney is one of these inventions that has gained popularity. This article provides information on an auto-clean hindware chimney and its advantages.
What is an Auto Clean Chimney and How Does It Work?
An auto-clean chimney is a device that uses a blower to collect hot gases from the cooktop. It uses the principle centrifugal force to absorb hot gases and oil particles during cooking. The hot gases are directed outside by the kutchina chimney through the filter.
Advantages of an Auto Clean Chimney
Cost Effectiveness
A conventional chimney uses a lower-powered blower. This means the chimney's suction power is less than an auto clean chimney. The chimney walls become too oily over a short time and can cause clogging of the filters. This results in a greater use of power by the blower to clean hot gases. Additionally, chimney clogging can lead to costly maintenance. The auto clean chimney uses filters to trap oil particles and reduce the chances of it clogging. This improves the efficiency of the blower without using too much energy. The possibility of breakdown is minimal so you can save money on repairs and maintenance.
Lower Maintenance
The traditional chimney uses a blower to heat the air but does not contain a filter that could trap oil particles. Oil particles build up on the blower and clog it. Clogging of the chimney can lead to its inability to function properly and the blower may fail sooner than expected. The blower comes with oil filters that reduce the likelihood of it clogging. The only thing you need to do is to make sure the filters are cleaned at the designated times. Because the blower is not susceptible to failure, it will require very little maintenance.
Higher Suction Power
Old chimneys have lower suction powers than the automatic clean chimneys. The new automatic clean chimneys use less electricity and have higher suction rates. This allows you to cook as much or as little as you wish, including deep-frying and grilling. This is the complete opposite to the chimney situation, which meant that heavy-duty cooking could not be done in a kitchen filled with grease and fumes.
Cleaning is easier
Non-automatic fireplaces have just a duct and an air blower. This is where the hot gases and oil particles are trapped. The oil particles build up in the blower, making it more difficult to clean. The filters of the blower trap oil particles that have accumulated in the auto-clean chimneys. This can be cleaned at specific times. Simply remove the filters from the blower and wash them in a dishwasher. Dry them.
Extended Livingspan
It has a high suction power, which makes it very efficient in sucking oil particles and hot gases. It also has oil filters that trap grease particles. As long as you maintain the required cleaning, your auto-clean chimney will last longer than the old one.
It is much easier to have an auto-clean chimney than cleaning it manually. The best part is that it is more durable than the average chimney. You can find an automatic clean chimney to match your design and personal preferences. You can search online for them, or visit your local hardware store. You should be aware that an auto clean chimney can be more expensive than a manual. However, you will find that the many benefits of having one make it worth your while.