
IELTS( International English Language Testing System) is an English language test to verify English language skills for those who wish to study or work in a country where English is a main way of communication. There are two different IELTS modules which include academic and general.
The IELTS academic test can be taken by students who need to be admitted to a college or university. The IELTS general can be taken to confirm the language proficiency of an employer for immigration purposes or to obtain citizenship. The IELTS exam has four sections
1. Listening Section
2. Reading Section
3. Writing Section
4. Speaking Section
In the listening section, you must answer 40 questions in 30 minutes while listening to four recordings. These 40 questions will test your ability to understand the opinion and attitude of speakers, the main purpose of utterance, to understand ideas and detailed information and ability to test the development of ideas. Our IELTS Coaching in Chennai has experienced mentors who will teach you how to improve your listening skill in the upcoming IELTS exam.
1. In recording 1, there will be a conversation between two people on an everyday topic like they will be speaking about going for a trip, organizing an event.
2. In recording 2, there will be a speech about local facilities. You will be listening to one person on a general topic.
3. In recording 3, there will be a set of two to four people where there will be a discussion about assignment, course, or academics
4. In recording 4, there will be a long speech on a person related to an academic or study-related topic.
Tips for getting a high score in the Listening section
1. There is no negative marking in the listening section so you can attempt all questions.
2. Answers will be appearing as you heard in the audio there may be some large gaps.
3. To improve your listening skills you can listen to various documentary programs, tv programs, other language news, and conversations.
In the reading section, there will be 40 questions lasting approximately 1 hour. As there is less time, it is recommended to spend not more than 20 minutes on each part of the passage. The question types include reading for main ideas, reading for detail, skimming, understanding logical argument, identifying the writers' opinions, attitudes, and purpose. The questions in these sections consist of everyday material such as newspapers, advertisements, handbooks, and notices. Our IELTS Coaching in Velachery will help you to enhance your reading skill. Tips to score high in the Reading section
1. Skim through the passage.
2. Pay attention to the introduction and conclusion of the passage
3. Read all questions once before answering
4. Don't try to understand every word. Getting a general idea will be enough to answer the question.
5. Don't spend too much time on questions that you don't know.
In the writing section, there will be 2 tasks and 60 minutes of time will be given. The topics will be of general interest. You need to know the rules and structure of writing so that these 2 tasks will be easygoing. IELTS coaching in Porur will provide you with in-depth knowledge on how to improve your writing skills.
1. In task 1, you need to write a minimum of 150 words in response to a given bar, line or pie chart or process like how something is done or something is working. You have to describe the data, explain the stages of the process. The purpose of this task is to absorb how well the student assumes the information and is able to put them into words. The word limit for this is 150 and the time allocated is 20 minutes.
2. In task 2, Students are asked to write an essay with respect to an argument or problem. It tests your ability on how you respond by presenting and justifying your opinion.
In the Speaking Section, your speaking ability and vocal clarity are tested. It will be one-to-one interaction between student and examiner. This section has three parts and you will have 11-14 minutes of time. To improve your speaking ability and crack the IELTS exam our IELTS Coaching In Chennai Anna Nagar will help you to get through the process and crack the exam easily.
1. In part 1, the examiner will ask you a general question about yourself, family, interest, studies, work, etc..,
2. In part 2, you will be given a card where you have to speak on a given topic.
3. In part 3, the examiner will ask you questions related to the topic asked in part 2.