
Ina recent study, Transparency Market Research (TMR) profiles and studiesstrategies adopted by the leading players in the global 3D printingmaterials market.The study includes profiles of some of the leading market participants such asConcept Laser GmbH, 3D Systems, Inc., Arcam AB, Solidscape Inc.,Optomec, Stratasys Ltd., and others. In order to steal a march againstcompetitors, most companies operating in the 3D printing materials market areinvesting in the expansion of their product portfolios. Through productinnovation these companies aim at strengthening their share in the global 3Dprinting materials market. The report also analyzes the impact of variousstrategies adopted by the market players on the overall 3D printing materialsmarket.
TMRforecasts the global 3D printing materials market to rise at a CAGR of 18%between 2014 and 2020. At this pace, the market will reach US$1.4 bn by the endof 2020 as against US$450 mn in 2013. Regionally, North America emergeddominant in 2013 backed by the increasing use of 3D printing tech. The reportexpects it to remain lead through the course of the forecast period.Application-wise, the consumer products segment held the dominant share of 23%in the global 3D printing materials market in 2013, trailed by the automotiveindustry.
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RisingAdoption across Diverse Industries to Boost Growth
Factorssuch as the rising adoption of the 3D printing technology across diverseindustries will boost the global 3D printing materials market. In the comingyears, the increasing demand from education and government sectors is expectedto give impetus to the market. Furthermore, favorable regulations bygovernments across developed countries are supporting the expansion of themarket worldwide.
Inthe coming years, the global 3D printing materials market is expected towitness rising demand from India, China, and ASEAN countries. The expansion ofautomotive, consumer products, healthcare, and other industries across theaforementioned countries will enable the market gain momentum in the comingyears. The market, as per TMR, is expected to witness increasing demand forpolymers on account of the rising uptake of desktop printers. Besides this, therising demand for 3D printed metals in energy, education, research, defense andaerospace, industrial, and healthcare sectors will boost the market over thecourse of the forecast period.
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LimitedPenetration in Undeveloped Nations May Create Hindrances to Growth
DespiteNorth America’s dominance, TMR projects Asia Pacific to show the highest CAGRin the global 3D printing materials market. The rising demand from Japan andChina will enable growth in the Asia Pacific 3D printing materials market inthe coming years. In addition to this, the Europe market is slated to rise atan impressive pace. On the other hand, TMR projects sluggish growth for themarket in Rest of the World. The limited penetration of 3D printingtechnologies in undeveloped countries is likely to restrict the market to anextent.
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