
We invite businesses to advertise in the Dir ectory of Welsh Businesses to promote their goods, services and credentials to other businesses and to consumers. Office space for rent
Use our Directory to do a quick search for Welsh businesses by name or perform an advanced search using a combination of criteria.
The Directory has only recently been launched and contains a very small proportion of Wales’ businesses; coverage and use will grow as we encourage more businesses to join. The Welsh Government Coworking office does not support or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any content contained on this website.
User account
Welcome to the My Business Wales login page. If you don't have an account please complete the My Business Wales registration form by.
Features of 'My Business Wales' include:
- Create alerts and save your funding searches using our Finance Locator - a free database of available finance options
- Customised Business HQ profile with details of business support events and news in your area
- Submit blog posts Flexible offices
- Create a Business Directory listing
Business Startup Factsheet
You can request up to 3 factsheets per email address. To receive more than 3 factsheets please contact our helpline on 03000 6 03000 or use live chat.
Please note – this service is provided by an external organisation who produce the factsheets and process the online requests. The Welsh Government accepts no responsibility for the content.
We will be retaining your personal data only for the duration of the contract and for the purpose of monitoring the number of factsheets requested per email address. Meeting rooms
For more information regarding Office Space, visit our website: