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How to get hired as a graphic designer?
Graphic design is an amazing profession where there practically no ceiling to how much you can grow.
However, it is also a very competitive field.
Every year, countless individuals graduate from design school and go on the lookout for their first job.
They don’t just have to compete with other graduates but also with self-taught professionals who’ve been on the rise ever since the internet democratized education.
The point being that getting hired as a graphic designer is not a walk in the park. However, it is not rocket science either.
If you have the right skillset and know a few basics about approaching the job market, you’ll land a great gig sooner than later.
So, here are 6 tips that’ll make your journey easier:-
Fall in love with upskilling
There’s no denying that having a formal education in graphic design gives you a solid foundation in the discipline.
However, graphic design is a dynamic profession that evolves with time. So, you need to develop a learning mindset and evolve with it.
This entails keeping up with changes in technology, and discovering new ways to make your workflows more efficient and deliberate.
Recognizing your skill gaps and trying to fill them between job applications also goes a long way in strengthening your candidature.
As a rule of thumb, try to improve your subsequent applications with skill improvements that you make over time.
Have a portfolio
Even a lack of formal education doesn’t deter passionate graphic designers from finding a place in the industry.
However, the lack of a portfolio definitely does.
Granted that a BFA in graphic design makes it easier to build a portfolio, it’s not the only path you can take.
So, when learning the ropes of the craft (whether by yourself or in a college), make sure that you translate the skills you acquire into projects you can showcase.
Some designers even get their big breaks by redesigning things that already exist. Perhaps, you can do the same.
For instance, if you specialise in logo design, try reimagining the logos of your favourite brands.
If you end up making something you’re proud of, add it to your portfolio.
The point here is that when looking for graphic designing, it’s vital to have a tangible representation of your talent or ability.
Doing so will make getting hired a lot quicker and easier.
Learn how to interact with non-designers
Most companies view job applicants from a holistic lens.
They want to hire people who are not only talented but also a good cultural fit.
That’s why having decent soft skills is a huge advantage when it comes to interviewing for a job.
Think about it yourself.
All interviewers or hiring managers you interact with won't necessarily be design professionals.
Most companies will also need you to pass an HR interview before offering you a job.
But, that’s not all.
Even design professionals interviewing you will assess whether you’re capable of working in multi-disciplinary teams or not.
They’ll be interested in discovering how skillful you are in communicating your ideas with people outside of your industry.
So, make sure that you develop the ability to interact with designers, and shape yourself into someone skilled at collaborating with folks from other disciplines.
Master the art of writing a cover letter
Like we’ve just mentioned, getting hired as a professional graphic designer takes more than just a killer portfolio.
It requires the ability to charm people who have the power to select or reject your application.
But, before you get to charm interviewers in person, you need to charm them on paper.
More precisely, you need to make an impact with your resume and cover letter.
Now, there’s only so much that you do with your resume. On the flip side, writing a cover letter is a completely different ballgame.
The more you personalize it, the greater your chances of getting an in-person interview become.
That’s because taking the time to craft a masterful cover letter shows that you know what you’re getting yourself into.
It convinces employers that you’re willing to go the extra mile, and thereby speaks volumes about your conscientiousness.
In essence, the little things in a job application matter more than most people think. So, pay attention to them.
Reach out to local businesses when starting out
Most people underestimate the upside that comes with getting their hands dirty.
Instead, they fuss over landing their dream position in one fell swoop and let go of the opportunity to learn at the job.
In other words, they don’t see the value in starting small and end up not starting at all.
So, don’t follow in their footsteps, and be ready to launch your career at a small business.
It’s great to get your feet wet at a top-tier design firm from the get-go, but that scenario doesn’t always pan out.
When it doesn’t, don’t let your ambition get in the way of progress.
Feel free to send out your resume to all the big firms you want to work for. But, at the same time, apply to the local businesses in your vicinity.
Then, make the best of the opportunities at your disposal.
More precisely, count your eggs when they hatch (not before).
Explore-traditional paths
Not everybody starts their design career at a traditional job.
There are plenty of legendary designers out there who entered the industry as freelancers.
So, know that you too can explore that option.
Moreover, there are some advantages to starting as a freelancer.
Interacting with clients and working on projects that have a real-world impact teaches you the business side of graphic design.
It trains you in all the complementary skills that designers need to become competent professionals.
Moreover, garnering such experience also improves your employability for a full-time role.
We understand that finding a new job is always tied in with some discomfort.
After all, we’ve been in your shoes before.
However, here’s something that we can assure you.
Enduring such discomfort is always worth it, in the end when you land a position you were aiming for.
So, implement the tips we’ve talked about in this blog, and have faith in yourself.
You’ve got this!