
Design is the process of collecting ideas, and arranging them and implementing them, under the guidance of certain principle for a specific purpose. A process of creation, to present content on web pages is Web design.
Web Design: Characteristics of user-friendly Website
Design is the process of collecting ideas and arranging them and implementing them, under the guidance of certain principle for a specific purpose. A process of creation, to present content on web pages is Web design. With the help of the internet and browser, end-user can access the web page. A good web designer must require a combination of technical and artistic skill, including graphic design, User Interface Design, and also need knowledge of the newest web development technologies.
Elements of Web Design
Mainly there are 5 key elements of Web design they are:
The graphics, ads and text are arranged using layouts. In this digital world, the key goal is to help the end-users, find the information they seek at a glance.
The colour combination is one of an important key element of Webdesign. The choice of colours varies based on purpose and clientele. It could be multi-coloured design to simple black-and-white conveying the brand of an organization or personality of a person.
To enhance Web design, graphics have a major role. It includes logos, photos, clipart or icons etc. To make your site user-friendly this need to be put down appropriately.
Another important key element of web design is fonts. Most of the web browser can read only some fonts they are known as “web-safe-fonts”.The designer makes sure that they use web-safe fonts for the website.
Visuals and Text can work together to enhance the message of the site through content and design. Content should always be relevant and useful to others, It is not confusing readers. Every content in the site should be optimized for search engines with suitable length, including relevant keywords.
Characteristics of user-friendly Website
• Mobile Compatibility
• Accessible to all Users
• Fast Loading Time
• Effective Navigation
• Good Error Handling
• Usable Forms
• Valid mark-up and Clean code
Mobile Compatibility
The term "mobile compatible" means that a website can be viewed and used on a mobile phone or mobile device. To make our website user-friendly your web site must be mobile compactable. In the internet, majority site will be mobile compactable, but many of them are not mobile optimized.
Accessible to All Users
To make your website user-friendly it will be accessible to all users including blind, disabled or the elderly. These kind users usually use screen-readers to access the Internet. Many web design procedure can be applied to make sure our website can be accessed easily by on-screen readers, making our website available to larger viewers.
Fast Loading Time
One of the main reason visitors leave from a website is its loading time. A user-friendly site must have a fast loading time, a user-friendly site load within 5 to 7 seconds. Loading time also affects your search engine ranking. Customer expectation change day by day, a typical user only wait for a few seconds to load your page, after that, they will navigate to your competitor's site never to visit again.
Effective Navigation
Good navigation is one of the major factors of web site usability. Simple JavaScript and HTML menus are best and compatible with all browsers and platform. To make your website user-friendly try to reduce the number of the menu item as far as possible.
Good Error Handling
Another important factor to improve website usability is good error handling, Websites are robust and free from bugs through the exact handling of errors at the code level. The user experience and overall usability can be improved by displaying the right error message.
How do you design a website for your new Business? In a world of fast-evolving web design needs, Nexibit Web Designing Company offers a state-of-the-art design facility where our creative team creates a design for your needs.
Nexibit skilled team offers complete assistance using their technical experience combined with assurance to meet your expectations. Our team begins the web design process by listening, making sure that we understand your specific requirements for the type of business needs. Once we have captured all the requirements, the next step is to plan the look-and-feel.