
VILNIUS - It was the darling of Lithuania. “The cradle ofJewish culture,” as depicted by the Mayor of Vilnius, Mr. Remigijus Simasius at an auspicious occasion. Itwas an opportunity for the mayor to panhandle the importance he attached to theJewish heritage of Vilnius.
On the surface, Mayor Remigijus Simasius appreciates thatJewish culture is somewhat intrinsic to Vilnius. Its origins date back hundredof years. It was once a thriving city of Torah scholars, Talmudic enthusiastswho walked with the words of Torah on their lips.
Towards the beginning of the twentieth century, driven bypoverty and pogroms, many Jews sought refuge in destinations such as SouthAfrica. It offered the likes of businessman Samuel Marks, and families of Nobelprize winner Aron Klug, SolKerzer, Mendel Kaplan, Raymond Ackerman, Donald Gordon, Helen Suzman, NadineGordimer, Johnny Clegg, AliBacher, Sydney Nomis, Wilf Rosenberg, Shaun Tomson and Joel Stransky, new opportunities.
During World War II, virtually the entire Mir Yeshivamiraculously escaped Lithuania with the assistance of the Japanese consul inKovna, Sempo Sugihara. See Escapeto Shanghai
For many former Lithuanian’s, although tragedy, poverty andpolitical turmoil had resulted in a relocation, they found solace in theirLithuanian ancestry. For that reason the Jewish community in South African, ofwhich 90% trace their roots back to Lithuania, constitutes a close knit, warmand hospitable ensemble who epitomize Lithuanian Jewish culture at its best.
Surprisingly, the nostalgic memories of what was onceLithuania, have taken a turn. At thecentre of this change, is a decision by the Lithuanian government, to constructa conference centre on the grounds of the old cemetery in Shnipishok, Vilnius.
The proposed construction is a clear desecration of theJewish cemetery. An expert panel has determined that any building or use of thecemetery, outside the framework of its use as a cemetery, is illegal. Anauspicious Jewish court, that of Rabbi Nissim Karelitz Z”L’s Beis Din hasalready ruled that construction and use of the conference centre is forbidden.The Honorable Court’s decision was also affirmed by leading halachic expert inJewish Law, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. Additionally, legal experts point to the theplan’s violation of the Hague Convention and EU Charter of Human Rights.
The Shnipishok resting place for well over 50,000 Jews isover 500 years old and includes some of the luminaries of the Vilna Gaon’sfamily, the Chayei Adam, the Ber Hagaola and many others. See
Tragically, a dark cloud hangs over the once vibrant City ofVilnius, where Jewish lives and culture thrived. Prominent Rabbis from acrossthe globe have rallied to intervene. An initiative spearheaded by the de factoguardian of the cemetery, Mr. Dov Fried (see, hopes to protect thecemetery and the threatening desecration.
“Is it not enough that the Nazis tried to exterminate theJews at Auschwitz?” Yehuda Goldstein, an American whose family immigrated tothe U.S. from Lithuania, asks.
Many Jews in communities from across the globe arequestioning, whether Vilnius will be yet another Auschwitz. This time with aslightly different twist: anti-semitism perpetrated beyond the grave.
David Sagorin
Jewish Lives Matter